(no subject)

Jun 18, 2021 23:20

Putin slightly recumbent and comfortable in posture with legs splayed. But a single grip on the right hand seat arm rest in a sign of grounded stability. Both hands on display. He senses the importance and confrontation stance. Biden keeps his body language square symmetrical and tight. Putin has a dropped shoulder left shoulder. I'd say he has shouldered a rifle with strap.

Bidens legs crossed over and away from Putins side in a defensive stance. Bidens hands and finger nails together probably cutting onto his note pad. Hands hidden behind the knee at the camera height. His fingers are deliberately hidden. Infers an agenda.

When Biden doesn't smile he has a glum mouth that becomes somewhat of a frown as it sides points down. Putins mouth stays straight until he smiles.

Putin likes to open posture his body language, but Bidens is very tight. Putin has more experience in this setting.

Biden took the open side of the hand shake which was on the opposite side of the seating positions. This is indicative of the unarmed man leaving the sword thrust of the guarded hand shake side to Putin. They may well have swapped as is usually the case.

The camera angle was set up to face Biden and not Putin. This infer an offset perspective. Bidens seat sits square and parallel with the bottom of any images.

Байден, Путин, Россия, США

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