May 25, 2010 13:07
Lots of stuff happened this month.
I just don't write often enough to keep it all up to date but all and all things are good.
Major things. Everything is squared away for school and it seems like all I need to do is finish applying to the credential program. The only problem is I feel that becoming a teacher was a huge mistake. I want to teach but after doing so many observations it seems that teachers are hanging on for dear life and I'm about to join the struggle without a ledge to grip onto. But after much thought its better to finish and be prepared for the market to get better then to finish without my credential and have a completely useless degree.
In ffxi I finally saw a hagun drop! The end result is shaid is a very happy samurai now and I got a hecate's cape thanks to an over 1 mil drop in price over the last week. It's expected to drop more but I'm just glad to have one considering last month the next best thing which is slightly worse maintained a price of 1.5 mil for about a year.
Next ffxi goals include and not in order,(asa pants as soon as possible) zenith mitts, rune bow with magic atk 2, witch sash, fire staff +1, and mph upgrades in the following, hands, feet, waist, legs, weapon/shield, ear2, body, ring2 and neck, Given I have mph in most of these slots the slight upgrades are very expensive or hard to get but so worth it. Considering I only need 550mp to kill a flan including buffs...
I know people are like flans blah, but I will be able to get to 80 solo off of flans while netting my bro a ton of merits. coming and going as I please. :) and man does he need some merits...