blm stuff

May 17, 2010 01:55

Been trying lately to get a 3 hit build that won't require me to use an am2 and or have the bonus of a day. The end result is that I will save about 70-90mp per round which saves me like maybe 30 seconds of resting each round which can add up to less down time and more chains equaling alot more xp.

The only problem is that damage speaking, there is very few upgrades to be made. Final upgrades include
ixion cape or hecate cape. (Hecate slightly better but ixion cape will allow me to get white hp ring activation without z mitts)
z mitts (see above)need to pay a sky ls for a abjuration...
witches sash ( helps ever so slightly with resist and the critical is fun but not gonna help damage wise)
ASA pants ( the extra damage is coming at a loss of acc but witches sash will help compensate aside from my tarutaru maxed int merits and ele skill which should be more then enough for flans)
Fire staff plus 1 (so worth the gil if this works and so not if it dont)
magian fire staff (see above)
novio earring (dropping in price fast probably because level 80 gear will be nice and because realistically wings of the goddess is probably going to be an earring slot when it is completed.

So the problems.
getting all my friends online at the same time to do asa.
4 failed attempts on pick up groups, even some that had well known players in them.
even using the strategy 4 summoners 1 cor 1 whm. Given the whm was pretty slow, though well geared, a skilled whm would be the difference of night and day. I've also decided that paladin would be maybe 2x a better kiter then cor. This is because the enhanced mp/hp and cure 4 spam along with ninjusu and magic def / damage reduction the paladin could take advantage of seems to beat whatever magic def and healing the cor can get from his rolls. but only a certain pld and cor friend of mine could offer better insight.

problems with the smn strategy. If the white shantotto loses hate or kills the kiter the healer will pull hate. If the healer pulls hate when healing the smn's the smn's die or the whm dies from being in range of the blm and the whm at the same time which = bad. if healer dies everyone dies. a well time benediction will make this bcnm go smoother as it seems the shantottos have intervals where they get much crazier. I truly think an ideal set up would be rdm/nin whm/nin pld/nin smn x3 3 smn's is enough to kill something the rdm would be there to spam cure 4 and try to blink tank the blm shantotto but not too hard. If the garudas took hate it would be idea but the rdm would need high magic def and magic reduction. echo's are a must. most of the spells could be blinked except for those times when the aoe starts spamming which a cure 4 chainspell spammage could counter. Having a smn on paralyna duty for salvation scythe and having everyone with echos. The whm and pld would kite the white shantotto but the whm needs to be ready to curaga 4 DS or even benediction the smn's when neccessary. Again /nin so that when hate is taken blink tanking is possible. the pld needs to be able to keep himself alive if the whm has to leave. The cor I had as a kiter did a pretty pretty good job at that so I imagine a pld would have no problem.

also the blm is fought just partially into the hallway the smn's stand at the door the whm is kited in a circle in the room they spawn at.

the next few days I will spend mastering the location of the hexes by finding the maps, getting a paintbrush and memorizing the zones. Having a skilled hex finder makes each attempt take about 1 hour of prep work, but without a hex finder the prep work can take up to 3 hours and cost a ton of xp and grief.

I know shaid can handle the kiting part I just don't know if a rdm can handle the black shantottos rage mode but if so the battle will be stupid stupid easy. stuff only gets bad when the Black or the white aoe near the smns, which causes silence paralyze and enough down time for people to start dying.
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