I'm in need of a stiff drink!!!

Nov 30, 2008 21:16

I just nearly died!!! Literally!!

Driving with husb in the car, in the dark on a thankfully quiet road, driving about 60 miles an hour, when what appears over the bushes but three fist sized stones aimed at the car! Two hit the windscreen, one directly where my head would be, one where my husb sat  and one has very nicely dented the passenger door. Thankfully the windscreen didn't smash. But OMG  I'm shaking like a leaf now, little one thankfully wasn't in the car, he usually sits in the front passenger seat! I can't stop thinking of the possibilites (sp)  of what could have happened if the windscreen has smashed- I honestly think we'd be in hospital now!

Police have been great, but I don't think they'll catch the little hooligans who threw the stones though. :(
I think I need a glass of wine and some serious tlc now.

real life

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