DW Fic- Right Beside You 10/13

May 23, 2010 08:34

Title: Right Beside You 10/13
Author:  Salimali
Rating:  PG
Characters:  TenII/Rose, Jackie, Pete, OC
Disclaimer: I don't own DW or any of its affiliated characters.
Spoilers: I assume you're all familiar with Journey's End by now.

Summary:  TenII hasn't settled very well into Pete's world. Rose has to set him free before he destroys them both. Can there ever be a Happily Ever After for these two?

Author Notes: PLEASE NOTE, this is NOT part of the Meant to Be series. This is another take on Rose/TenII's life in Pete's world.

Thank you to the brilliant  wishiknewwho who has been an awesome beta and friend.

Dedicated to my lovely friend nipplemuggins  who is still snowed under with A-Level revision- hopefully we'll see her soon xxx

Chapter 1 ( Chapter 2 )( Chapter 3 ) ( Chapter 4 ) ( Chapter 5 ) ( Chapter 6 ) ( Chapter 7 ) ( Chapter 8 ) ( Chapter 9 )

Rose was itching to get out of the car and run. It was taking too long to get to the centre of the camp, but Cassie had warned her that she needed to stay there until the car stopped. Her smart clothes and pale skin would be like a magnet for the little children and she’d never get to where she wanted to be, and Cassie was under orders to deliver her to Dr. Donald. Rose had reluctantly agreed as the goodies and gifts she had brought for the camp were all still packed into the trucks that were following them.

Jackie had insisted that Rose take the camp as many useful items as they could possibly collect in about seven hours. Jackie Tyler, being who she was, managed to collect enough to fill three trucks. They were trundling behind, full of blankets, clothes, toys, gifts and the all important medicines waiting to be delivered to Dr. Donald. Rose hoped they would be useful to him and his staff.

As the car moved slowly past the tents and makeshift homes, Rose felt the tears prick her eyes. Although to the outsider’s eye the situation looked hopeless, thousands of families, refugees living inside an armed compound, Rose wondered just how they could make this place a home but somehow these people had. She could see some women obviously teaching some older girls how to wash the clothes clean, some boys were playing football barefoot and she was pleased to see that some younger children were playing on what looked like a roundabout you’d find in a playground. Cassie explained that it was a play pump, which charity donations had paid for, as the children played and swung it around, it pumped water from the ground, which was then stored in giant containers. Cassie explained that because the camp was so big, they needed another water pump and that’s why she was back in London raising money. Rose was gladdened to see that Vitex money would be well spent and could do some good here.

Rose kept her eyes open for the Doctor, but she hadn’t seen him yet. She was a little afraid of his reaction when she saw him, as he hadn’t replied to her last text. Cassie hadn’t mentioned that he was still here and Rose hoped that he was. As they neared the medical areas, Rose’s heart started to beat faster. This was where he worked his magic, as Cassie had called it.

Rose wiped her eyes dry as Cassie continued a tale about Dr. Donald being called out in the middle of the night and not remembering he was naked. He’d tried to treat two patients before anyone could tell him. Rose was hysterical, thinking about what she imagined to be a balding, old, fat man streaking across the yard area stark naked. Lifting her head as the car slowed, Rose’s heart skipped a beat. There in front of her was the Doctor, with a baby on his hip. The tears began to flow as the car door opened.

“Doctor!” Rose flew into his side and hugged him, holding on with all her might. “Doctor,” she sighed, “Oh, Doctor.” She was aware of him hugging her back one armed. She looked up to see the shocked expression on his face. Rose didn’t think he looked pleased to see her so she started to move away. As the Doctor loosened his hold on her, he bent his head to hers.

“Don’t go away,” he whispered. The Doctor turned away from her and gently handed the child over to Cassie. “Excuse me. Cassie, look after her for a bit. Miss Tyler and I need to have a quick chat.”

Rose stood there, suddenly afraid that he was going to reject her again and in front of all these people. She lowered her head as the tears threatened to fall yet again. It was then she felt his warm hand trail down her arm and catch her hand in his, squeezing it tightly. Looking up, she saw his eyes glittering with unshed tears. This was affecting him too. Leaning into him, she returned his shy smile and allowed him to pull her away from the crowd.

“What? Why? How? Oh never mind that a minute. Let’s go to my room, where there’ll be less eyes on us.” He smirked at Rose and she felt her heart lift.

Rose followed the Doctor past what looked like medical tents to a row of smaller tents behind them. He was babbling about who and what was going on in the camp but Rose wasn’t listening. She couldn’t believe it, she was finally here with him, he was holding her hand. And he wasn’t pushing her away. Rose felt like dancing.

Skipping alongside him, Rose felt her world was finally beginning to become a happy one. She followed the Doctor as he took her inside his tent. Home sweet home he had declared as she swept her eyes around the room, taking everything in.

“A crib?” Rose asked, focusing on the most out of place object in the room. “Why a crib?”

“Oh, um, well it’s a long story. We’ll have plenty of time for that. Why are you here Rose?”

Rose took a deep breath, she could do this. “I sent you a text,” she said quietly, twisting her jumper around her fingers as she was prone to do when she was nervous.

“You did?”

She watched as the Doctor scrambled around, looking for what she assumed was his mobile phone. She studied his face as he read her text and was shocked and pleased as he strode across the room in less than three steps and crashed his lips against hers. Rose felt her legs give way and was grateful when she felt his arms go around her and lift her up. She held on tight as he carried her across to his bed and laid her down, covering her body with his and kissing her passionately.

Lifting her hand to cup his face and scrape her fingers through his beard, she said, “This has got to go.” They laughed and continued kissing. 

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tenii rose right beside you

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