DW Fic- Right Beside You 7/13

May 16, 2010 11:35

Title: Right Beside You 7/13
Author:  Salimali
Rating:  PG
Characters:  TenII/Rose, Jackie, Pete, OC
Disclaimer: I don't own DW or any of its affiliated characters.
Spoilers: I assume you're all familiar with Journey's End by now.

Summary:  TenII hasn't settled very well into Pete's world. Rose has to set him free before he destroys them both. Can there ever be a Happily Ever After for these two?

Author Notes: PLEASE NOTE, this is NOT part of the Meant to Be series. This is another take on Rose/TenII's life in Pete's world.

Thank you to the brilliant  wishiknewwho who has been an awesome beta and friend.

OK guys, it seems as if I'm finishing this fic before I leave for holidays :D  Updates will be thick and fast over the next two weeks- hope you enjoy!!

Dedicated to my lovely friend nipplemuggins  who is snowed under with A-Level revision- hopefully we'll see her soon xxx

Chapter 1 ( Chapter 2 )( Chapter 3 ) ( Chapter 4 ) ( Chapter 5 ) ( Chapter 6 )

Rose Tyler sat at the table, looking around at all the dignitaries beside her. She hated coming to these things alone, dressing up in her posh dresses and smiling and pretending she was happy to be here. She hated it. She knew she was garnering shifty glances and hushed whispers from the other patrons because she had come without a date. She knew too that she looked awful, she was too thin and gaunt looking, her hair had grown out and instead of dying it back blonde, Rose had dyed it her natural light brown. She didn’t even know what charity she was here to donate to. Jackie had insisted she come as a representative of Vitex, so she had to listen to the charity workers beg and plead for donations and then she’d write a big fat cheque. Rose wished they could just cut out the middle man. She knew she’d give them the money they wanted; why did she have to sit through this?

“Ladies and gentlemen,” the announcer boomed, “thank you for coming this evening to support our charity. We hope you’ve had a good evening so far. Without further ado I shall hand you over to my colleague who returned last month after spending over four months working with our charity in Africa, she’ll be able to explain to you exactly where your money is going. Please put your hands together to welcome Miss Cassie Walker.”

The audience clapped as the young woman entered the stage. ‘She looks young,’ thought Rose. ‘I used to be like that once, all full of adventure and spark.’ The tears filled Rose’s eyes as she thought of a life long gone now. She just wanted her Doctor back in her life. Miss Walker began to speak. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’d just like to tell you a little about our charity before I show you a film…”

Rose tuned out Cassie’s voice as she was reminded of her time before the Doctor had arrived in this universe, how she fought to get back to him, consequences be damned. She wasn’t fighting now, she’d given up all hope. And that wasn’t what the Doctor had taught her. He’d taught her to fight for what was right, fight for her happiness. Even if he couldn’t give it in the way Rose wanted sometimes. Rose realised that she wanted to fight for her Doctor. Rose scraped her chair quietly away from the table. She couldn’t stay here any longer, she had to go and fight for her Doctor just one last time. Make him tell her face to face that he didn’t love her or want her anymore.

Rose was stopped suddenly by an image on the screen. There in front of her was the Doctor. Oh his hair was overly long and scruffy, he had a full beard and was wearing dull green scrubs but she would know his deep fathomless brown eyes anywhere. He was there on the screen in amongst the desolation and the despair, holding a child, giving it comfort.

Rose couldn’t breathe. She felt herself get light headed and swooned.

“Miss Tyler? Are you okay?” said a voice that appeared to come from a distance. She was sat on the floor, she groaned as she realised she’d fainted. She looked up to the stage to see Miss Walker standing waiting as the film was paused on the image of her Doctor administering an injection into a sick child. “We’ll call for your mother.”

Rose groaned again and waved them off. That’s all she needed was Jackie coming and stressing. She attempted to sit up and strong arms helped her into her seat.

“Please, I’m fine,” she insisted, gesturing at Cassie. “Carry on Miss Walker.”

Rose motioned to the waiter to ask Miss Walker to come to her table when she had finished her presentation, and settled down to watch the video before her.

“Miss Tyler? Miss Walker,” the waiter introduced the two ladies and brought up a chair for Cassie.

“Pleased to meet you Miss Walker,” Rose held her hand out and noticed it was shaking. She wondered just what this girl was to the Doctor. She really hoped that he hadn’t replaced her with a younger model.

“Oh Cassie, please, Miss Walker sounds so formal. It makes me think my mum is about.”

Rose laughed, probably the first time she’d laughed in a long while. She could get to like this girl. Rose resisted the urge to dive in and question Cassie about the Doctor. Maybe it wasn’t him, maybe her memory was playing tricks on her.

“Tell me more about the work you do?” Rose decided a generic approach would be best. She settled in to listen some more about Cassie’s volunteering.

Eventually Rose could stand it no more. “Tell me about the other volunteers.” She crossed her fingers under the table as Cassie began to tell her about her colleagues. It was when she started talking about Dr. John Smith that Rose sat up and listened intently.

Cassie’s eyes lit up as she told Rose all about Dr. John and his bravery in treating some of the worst hit patients. How he’d risk his life to get people out of the war torn streets. How he himself had been the victim of a missile attack. And how everyone in the camp had come to love him for being the brilliant man he was.

“And you, Cassie?” Rose asked, holding her breath, “Do you love him too?”

“Oh yes,” she breathed, her cheeks flushing. “But he doesn’t even see me. Oh Miss Tyler, it’s so romantic. He loves someone back here in London, but he says he’s messed it all up. Something about texting or, well I don’t know the details.  He’s been texting this person, but she obviously hasn’t forgiven him because she’s not answered. Everyday he checks the phone, getting more and more despondent. I’m worried about him. He’s starting to take risks. I’m afraid he might get hurt again.”

Rose felt her heart stop at Cassie’s words. He’d been texting her. He still loved her. She had to get home and check her phone. Telling Cassie she’d like to meet her tomorrow at her office, Rose beat a hasty retreat back to the mansion.

tenii rose right beside you

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