(no subject)

Feb 18, 2010 20:42

Title: Meant to Be  1/5?
Author:  Salimali
Rating:  PG
Characters:  TenII/Rose, Jackie, Pete, OC
Disclaimer: I don't own DW or any of its affiliated characters, but I do own Dean and Ellie :D
Spoilers: I assume you're all familiar with Journey;s End by now.

Summary: TenII and Rose try to begin their life together, but they've some hurdles to get over first.

Author Notes: This is my first foray into DW fic using my own characters. I hope you all like it.  Thank you to the brilliant wishiknewwho who held my hand for most of this, it wouldn't be the same without her help.

Beta'd by  wishiknewwho and nipplemuggins thank you guys- You are fantastic!!!

Chapter 1

Rose awoke to the bleeping of the alarm clock on the bedside table. She opened her eyes to glance blearily at the time; the green numbers glowed 5 am around the quiet dark room. Rose smiled; today was going to be a good day. Today was going to be the best day.

Ten minutes later and Rose was dressed in her battle clothes, as she liked to think of them. Black trousers, maroon top and her blue leather jacket, clothes to save the world in.

Padding down the hallway to the small room at the end, Rose quietly snuck inside, looking around the pink palace of a bedroom. She smiled and again thought today was going to be a good day. As she walked over to the small white bed, she glanced down at the mop of messy light brown hair splayed over the pillow.

Raising her hand and stroking the hair gently, Rose whispered “I won’t be long, sweetheart, and when I get back I’m bringing Daddy with me.” With that she left the room without looking back. If she allowed herself to look back at her beautiful precious daughter, she may never leave to try and find the Doctor and save the universe.

She checked the instructions for Ellie’s nanny Dean, then quietly let herself out of the house and climbed into the waiting Torchwood car.

“Morning, Mickey, Jake, Roger, you ready to save the universe?” Rose grinned at her team.

Mickey grumbled, “Too early in the morning to be chirpy babe- it’s got to stop!”

“Oh, but today is going to be a good day, Mickey, today is the day we save the universe, and the Doctor gets to take me and Ellie home.” Rose beamed.

Yes today was going to be a good day.


Rose leaned against the coral strut of the TARDIS and watched her world collapse again. There in front of her stood two Doctors, one Time Lord, one human. Rose knew that whatever happened now, the Time Lord version would not be taking her and Ellie home with him. He didn’t do domestic; he’d told her enough times. And now, this new Doctor was here, it’s perfectly obvious solution. A human Doctor, someone to grow old with. Rose realised that she knew the Doctor too well, he would sacrifice his happiness so she and this new Doctor could have a life together.

Rose didn’t know what to think about it all. She’d never told the Doctor about Ellie, she’d found out she was pregnant before he came to her on Bad Wolf Bay. When she saw the look on his face when she hinted, she knew she couldn’t tell him. She wouldn’t be responsible for the Doctor tearing down two universes. Rose wondered whether he could sense Ellie now, because Rose was in this universe. Or maybe his senses didn’t work that way. She realised that she couldn’t tell him about Ellie now either, as much as it would give him joy, the knowledge of a daughter he could never see would hurt him too much. She remembered their earlier conversation standing in the shadows of the hallway. The Doctor had been standing inside her personal, she could feel his hearts beating wildly, his hand gently cradling her face, kissing her softly and with reverence.

“Please Rose,” he had begged his voice crackling with restrained emotion, “please don’t fight me on this, I’m too dangerous for you to stay with me, I’m going to get you killed and I can’t do that, I can’t watch you die. Please”

He had kissed the reply off Rose’s lips before she could speak, then walked away, back to the console room to take everyone home. Rose waved a hand in goodbye to Mickey, wondering if he realised he would never see her again. She couldn’t tell him, she knew she’d break down; she couldn’t do that, she couldn’t let her Doctor see her cry, she could see he was hurting already. She wouldn’t hurt him anymore.

“Dårlig Ulv Stranden- otherwise known as Bad Wolf Bay.” The Doctor’s voice penetrated Rose’s thoughts and sent a shiver down her spine. This was it; she knew what he was about to do. Well she wasn’t going anywhere without answers.


Rose watched as the Tardis and her love disappeared from her universe forever. She knew he had to leave but he didn’t even say goodbye.

“Yes, Doctor,” she whispered, “Sometimes it does need saying.”

She felt a hand grasp hers, same shape, and same fit, slightly warmer and maybe, just maybe they could make this work.

“Goodbye Doctor, I’ll always love you,” she whispered again into the wind, saying the goodbye that the Doctor never could. She hoped he could find peace. She could see that Donna was good for him, maybe she’d stay, maybe she’d help him.

“He knows, he always knew,” said the interloper at her side as he gently squeezed her hand, “but he needed to keep you safe, and that meant away from him.”

Rose laughed a bitter sounding laugh. “So he leaves me here with a genocidal maniac to baby-sit!   The Doctor has some sick sense of humour!” The moment the words were out of her mouth she knew that she shouldn’t have said them. She knew the words were cruel, she didn’t mean to hurt his feelings, but she was hurting too.

“I did what had to be done and you know that,” he said softly, dropping Rose’s hand and beginning to walk away.

“No more than I did,” muttered Rose contritely, remembering when she too had destroyed the Dalek race. He stopped walking and turned around.

“You remember?” he asked softly. “I’m sorry. I never meant for you to remember.” He wanted to ask more but he knew that this wasn’t the time.

“I know, its alright, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that- it was cruel, I’m just still a little bit angry with him right now, and worried about him, but you are right, it did need doing,” Rose replied holding her hand out, “Let’s not fight, let’s make his sacrifice worthwhile. Let’s go home.”


Rose twisted and turned in her seat, trying to get comfortable, on the Torchwood zeppelin en route to London. Jackie had told her as they walked towards the zepport that Pete had said that she had been gone for over a week. Ellie would be so worried. Rose realised that she needed to get home and get home quickly, poor Ellie had suffered enough. But she was dreading it. She’d promised Ellie she’d bring home her Daddy. Well, she was certainly bringing home a Doctor look-alike, whether he was or wanted to be Ellie’s father was another matter.

Just then, Jackie appeared at her side, looking tired, and flopped into the spare seat with an exaggerated sigh.

“Have you told him yet?” She motioned towards the sleeping man just across the aisle.

“No Mum, what do I say- Oh and by the way you’ll not only have to take on me but you’ll also have to take on the Doctor’s daughter?” Rose sounded defeated; her day had started so well, but now it was so complicated. The plan was to bring the Doctor to London to collect Ellie, say their goodbyes and hop back to their home universe for more adventures and a life on the TARDIS with the Doctor. The reality had not even entered her head. She wanted what was offered on the beach, but now she just wasn’t sure how they were supposed to work it all out. He had been very quiet on the way to the zepport, hardly speaking, just the odd yes and no until Rose had given up and concentrated on getting home. Rose was concerned about how he was dealing with losing the TARDIS and the fact that she might have given him mixed messages about what she wanted. She wasn’t sure what she wanted, so how was he supposed to know either? It made her head hurt.

“Oh, sweetheart.” Jackie leaned over to hug her daughter. “You’ll work something out, he’s mad for you, it’s obvious, and it always has been. I’m sure if you tell him the truth, you can work together to get through this. You need to talk to him, calmly and quietly and truthfully. Maybe later, when things have calmed down a bit, the two of you can take some time out alone to sort this. I don’t have a magic wand to make this all better and I don’t think it’s going to be easy, but what I do know is he needs to know about Ellie before he meets her at the zepport.”

”I know” sighed Rose, “I just don’t know what to say to him, what to tell him.”

“Tell me what?” interrupted his voice as his head loomed over the top of the seat with a grin. He looked much better now he’d had a cup of tea and a sleep.

Jackie stood, smiled at him and looked at Rose. “Tell him the truth, Rose.”

Rose waited nervously as he sat down beside her. Her heart was beating fast as he took her hand in his, his brown eyes boring into her, waiting for the truth. She could do this she thought, she could tell him the truth.

“Umm, well… the thing is…I have a daughter” Rose mumbled, not looking him in the eye.

“Pardon? What did you say?” he asked, clearly confused.

Rose took a deep breath, looked up at him and said, “I have a daughter.”

The Doctor sat quietly in his seat, looking at Rose with confusion, “You have a daughter,” he whispered. “How?”

“Well, you know, when a man and a woman have….” Rose replied, her nervousness manifesting itself in sarcasm.

The Doctor grimaced, “Yes, yes, I get that part- How? Why? When?…Hang on… you were going to stay on the TARDIS, what were you going to do with her then-play happy families with a Time Lord? No, no that can’t be it, she wasn’t with you. Or were you just intending to leave her here with your mother?” the Doctor began to get annoyed as this realisation occurred. “What am I then? Surrogate father? Maybe the idea was to swap places with me, you and the Time Lord swanning off on the TARDIS and the two unwanted ones are left here to look after each other.”

Rose sat stunned at the Doctor’s outburst. She tried to speak but before she could get any words out, the Doctor stood up and stormed off towards the other end of the zeppelin, as far away from her as he could get.

She didn’t understand where that outburst had come from. Didn’t he realise he was as much Ellie’s father as the Doctor was? Rose wondered just what he was thinking. Surely he knew she wouldn’t do anything like that. Rose thought over what she had said. It didn’t make sense; she’d told him she had a daughter and he went mad, accusing her of things she would never do and things he should know she would never do. Maybe it was a side effect of the botched regeneration , maybe he was still settling down. She was about to stand up and go to the Doctor to try and clear things up when the Captain’s voice boomed over the PA system.

“Ten minutes to landing! Buckle up!”

Rose stood and looked across the zeppelin and saw him sitting with his head in his hands. She hoped he’d calmed down now, maybe they could talk about it later, try and clear up the misunderstanding. She willed him to raise his head and acknowledge her so she could let him know she wasn’t cross, but that she was worried about him. He didn’t move as Rose passed him to leave the zeppelin. She knew she needed to stop and talk but she couldn’t focus on him for the moment; Ellie needed her more.


Rose walked to the end of the gangplank with a heavy heart; the Doctor had not followed her off the zeppelin. She could see Dean bending to put Ellie down as he raised an arm in greeting.

“Mummy!” cried a little voice, running towards Rose as quickly as her three-year-old legs could carry her. Rose ran the rest of the way. It’ll be okay, the two of us will be okay, her mantra that she’d repeated since she’d told him and he’d stormed off. The two of us will be okay.

Rose scooped Ellie into her arms kissed her madly, trying to make up for the week she had missed.

Ellie clutched Rose tightly. “I’m home, sweetheart, I’m home.” “And I’m never leaving you ever again. I’m sorry I was away for so long,” Rose whispered over and over into Ellie’s hair.

“I missed you Mummy, I love you,” Rose smiled and looked at Ellie’s little face, so reminiscent of the one she’d recently said goodbye to.

“I missed you and I love you too, sweetheart” Rose replied. Yes they’d be okay, whatever happened.

The next ten minutes passed in a blur as the family reacquainted itself. Hugs and kisses were given and received but Ellie, usually a bubbly, happy child, was slightly reticent to leave Rose’s side and was eager to leave the zepport. As a result, before Rose realised what had happened, she, Ellie and Dean were in the back of a car being driven home. It was then that she realised he wasn’t with them. Tears sprang into her eyes; he’d made his choice, and it wasn’t us, she thought as one lonely tear slipped down her cheek.

Maybe this wasn't the best day after all.

tenii rose, meant to be, dw fic

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