Thoughts on Writing - Day 17

Nov 17, 2011 19:57

Oh, please, just make me laugh!

I've written a little about this before, in e-mails to friends, and also talking to people about what I enjoy reading. The truth is that if a story or fic makes me laugh, I will forgive it a *multitude* of sins. Seriously, even if the characterization is somewhat suspect, even if there are plot holes large enough for a truck to drive through, I'll keep reading because I love stories that can make me laugh. Relatedly, there's nothing that can make me bored or roll my eyes more than a story taking itself too seriously, or taking its characters too seriously. There was a long, long Star Wars prequel fic that was posted on that I remember reading years ago, and technically speaking it was very well-written; the author very obviously knew how to handle a story, pacing, characterization, description, etc. etc. But wow, Obi-wan was, like, the woobiest woobie ever, and the author kept emphasizing how everybody took advantage of him and nobody appreciated him but he soldiered on anyways and was perfect and amazing and noble, but he kept going anyways because it was his *duty* and he was going to continue to the bitter end even if it killed him and on and on and on.

Okay, I'm exaggerating - I don't think the author was quite so blatant in making him such a complete Gary-Stu, but there was definitely that undercurrent of look at Poor!Tragic!Noble!Obi-wan! Pity him! Admire him! And there was very little humor in the portrayal, which - like, come on, at least have the guy laugh at himself a little. Urgh.

On the other hand, humor alone isn't enough to really keep me invested, either. I need to believe that there's something more to the character than just a joke - there has to be something more substantial to the character, I have to believe that this person has a heart. And so I admire Discworld a lot, I think that Pratchett does a wonderful job of striking a balance between humor and pathos, between making the reader laugh but still creating characters with real substance and depth, who are more than a punchline. (And also, Granny Weatherwax will come and smack you upside the head if you laugh at her to her face!)

mini-nanowrimo, writing

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