A word is not a sausage.

Jan 26, 2011 02:34

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy my degree course, but holy flaming blimey do the critics annoy me sometimes. Today I had a lecture on critical analysis of literary criticism. The navel-gazing just reached Biblical proportions.

On the plus side, Ian McKellen came to speak at the union on Monday and he gave a great talk on homosexuality and acting.

ignore my shitty picture okay, the conditions were really bad.


Also, I got a new t-shirt:

Yes, I am a dork.

In addition, I've been meaning to ask about this. I've been posting Hetalia fanart spams every so often, but it only became more than a one-off thing because of little_pixie42 's suggestion. Since she's all off in foreign parts right now with very limited internet access, I doubt she's going to be around very much. So does anyone else out there like them and want to see them continue? I don't want to be spamming everyone up needlessly, after all. If it makes a difference, I was planning on doing a single-character spam next (most likely of France, England or Romano) and then a pairing one (most likely FrUK, Ger/Ita or Spamano). Just let me know if you'd like to see them carry on, and otherwise I'll assume you won't mind if they cease (probably temporarily, but I'll have to check with pixie). Thanks dudes. x

fandom: hetalia, i am a dork, real life, character: romano

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