Fic: Of Audience and Action Movies

Oct 22, 2010 00:08

Moar fic, moar fun. :D

Title: Of Audience and Action Movies
Rating: PG
Characters & Pairings: England/France, America
Warnings: Innuendo, implied activities
Summary: A treatise on the importance of always locking your bedroom door.

"Hey there, guys!"

"Wha -?"

"Aagh -!"

"Why're you both still in bed? It's nearly afternoon, you know!"

"A-America, for Christ's sake!"

"Didn't anyone ever tell you that it is polite to knock? Really, this speaks poorly for your upbringing."

"I swear to God, France -"

"Why, what's going on? Are you guys hiding something in the sheets? It kinda looks like -"

"Stay on that side of the room!"

"Well England, if I'd known you like having an audience -"

"You - shut up. And you - get out!"

"Right, right. See, I would, except I've got a message for you."

"Then for heaven's sake, give it to me - and don't you pull that smirk, France, your filthy mind is not of interest to me -"

"Ah, but you give it so much material. It sometimes seems as if... now, how best to phrase it... ah, yes. As if the lady protests too much."

"… If you dare say that to me ever again, I will personally extract all of your teeth with a chisel."

"Geez, you guys never stop fighting. It's kind of boring."

"So sorry. How selfish of me. From now on I'll be certain to make my personal life as entertaining to you as I possibly can."

"W-well... maybe that'd be cool!"


"But you did say…"

"He makes an excellent point, England. And since I sincerely doubt that you wish to earn a reputation for untrustworthiness -"

"Hey, what's this? Ornament? Looks kind of cool -"

"Don't touch my things -!"

"Uh, it was like that before I got here?"

"I believe you should deliver the message quickly -"

"- if you want to live."

"Quite so. And that expression England is wearing is so unbecoming to his features; it is such a pity."

"Looks normal to me."

"Ah, but you have not seen him when -"

"Tell. Us. The Message."

"Oh, that. Okay, so I'm supposed to tell you that the next meeting starts in an hour, so you guys ought to sort of, get ready and stuff."

"But we already knew that-!"

"My goodness, so unbecoming…"

"Well the thing is, a lot of people were late last time, so I decided to remind everyone beforehand. Kind of a pre-emptive thing, you know?"

"Why you -"

"America, if you value your life, I advise you take your leave -"

"- insufferable brat, consistently later than all of us and I'm the one who -"

"- bark is worse than his bite so they say, although the theory has yet to be put to the test -"

"Yeah, I've got to get going anyway, I still have to tell the others. This is kind of exciting really - race against time, like an action movie or something, except I don't have to fight any bad guys. Or not exactly, anyway, although I haven't been to Russia's room yet and you never know what he might do. You should probably make the bed, you know. Later!"

"… This can't be good for my blood pressure."

"I would have to agree. Although your flushed face is rather endearing."

"I thought it was unbecoming?"

"Well, I have to say so in front of children."

"Ha. I suppose he - oh, stop that, you wretched pervert - mmmm... No, I mean it, we need to -"

"Do relax. If I recall, we have an hour… practically an invitation, wouldn't you say?"

"Hm, well… you would see it that way, wouldn't you? Damned frog…"

"Ah, but you appreciate me really."



Any comments, including concrit, are more than welcome. :)

ship: england/france, fandom: hetalia, character: england, character: france, fic, character: america, ship type: m/m

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