Picspam: 99 Episodes of Sam&Dean

Apr 15, 2010 13:23

First of all: Welcome, new friends from ontd_spnparty! This is only the second friending meme I've ever participated in (sometimes I feel like a complete n00b) so thank you all so much for making it so much fun--and, of course, for friending me back. I shall do my best to stalk your entries faithfully :D

I've been meaning to write up an intro post for, like, a year but I don't have one now. However, I'm always open to random questions and the like. Mostly I post about fandom things-episode reactions, picspams (I lie, this is probably the first one I've posted), squee, etc.-but there's a lot of random and RL stuff too. I always say that I'm going to try and post more and usually never get around to making more than one or two posts a week, so it's pretty much a crapshoot.

ANYWAY, today I'm way too hyper and excited about the 100th Episode. Thursdays are always random and busy and awesome days. So I've made a picspam of Sam and Dean in the last 99 episodes. I only decided to do this last night so there's VERY minimal coloring/lightening/etc. (esp. the season one caps, they are SO DARK) but I was feeling all nostalgic and stuff. I've loved a lot of the guests and recurring characters, but Sam and Dean will always be my favorites :D So without further ado...

spoilers: every Supernatural episode ever.

screencap credit:

YAY 100 \o/

supernatural thursday, picspam

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