Of course somebody took pictures of my dad's sixtieth birthday, and I couldn't help but feel the need to share them with you nice people. I won't post all of them, just a few. Because I'm horribly vain I will be in some of them, so please feel free to ignore those. If you dare. XD
Mistress of ceremony, that's me! Told you I'd be in here.
My dad and his two sisters. Isn't he just the cutest?...Say yes, damn you!
A very excellent ham. After all, what good is a party if the food sucks?
Me again. Watch the hands. They're creepy, Christopher Lee hands. n__n
My mom and me doing an act. This was a sort of introduction to the book I've been working on for my dad. It contains a storyline written by me, and all kinds of good wishes, anekdotes, stories and such from his friends, collegues and family.
Giving him aforementioned book.
Me and my mom again. She's purdy. I heart my mom.
Well, that was it really.