lunch lady cats

May 05, 2009 06:40

Photo courtesty of LOL Cats. I had to post it when i saw this, i thought it was too cute. For those of you who didnt know, among the 10,000 other things i have done to earn a living, i used to be a lunch lady. When we lived in the country I worked in the elementary school just across the cornfield, i would walk to work every day. It rocked. I was allowed to wear jeans and sneakers and a tshirt, no goofy uniforms or hats either, just had to pull my hair back, but most times i wore a bandana too. I loved the job, i loved the kids...i worked when my kids were in school (they went to the private school, that ironically had no lunchroom, they brought lunch). When we moved back to civilization..i mean the burbs..i worked for a banquet hall as a front desk concierge....but due to long hours, sick kids and sick cats wound up quitting after 5 years and yes, went back to working at our jr. high lunchroom....again, loved it. I loved the kids, i loved the foodprep (hated doing dishes)...the only thing i didnt like was the way some of the employees treated each other...especially after working with each other for years it should have been more of a "family". I left after a few years because i herniated a disc, and could no longer unload heavy cases of frozen food and stand at my register after food got me to thinking...again...about living in the much fun my kids actually had, and how much fun it was when they were toddlers...I got to hold a 15 month old boy yesterday at work, he was such a cutie....the doctor was teasing me about my "biological clock" know, the one that stopped ticking a long time ago....i guess its because my son is all registered for college and driving all over in his new truck...and the other is so smart i cant even really hold a conversation with him anymore.....another baby..hmmm.........nah...maybe its time to get a dog. :-) the meantime working for the vet ensures I get some sort of satisfaction out of nurturing...whether it be the pets, or compassion for their if i could just talk my husband into letting me get those darned chickens. HAPPY DAY ALL
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