Yesterday had the potential to suck so much, but turned out to be aaaawesome.
First MonJove reunion I attend to was epic, lots of biscuits. I was under MAJOR STRESS ACTION and stuffed my mouth with chocolate and coconut cookies and it was awesome. Júlia withdrew though, and Efe didn't come to the meeting, so I'm not sure if she's still with us. I sort of hope not. Apparently we'll be even taking the little kids camping for a week in July, and it's going to have this ongoing story and stuff of sorts, and we'll be dressing up as characters and stuff and it'll be awesome.
Didn't have time to have lunch at home afterwards and Drew and Merju were bitchinging, so I just sat around in a bakery and bought pizza and coca-cola zero, and studied Physics. I had an exam I was very insecure about at 16.30 AND I PWNED IT SOOOO and Jaydee and I had an "EEE PASSED" moment.
Globals past tomorrow until Tuesday. SO THURSDAY, HMMM.
A word of friendly advice - if you need a word for it to look like it says *something* in there, put "mudkips". It worked for me in a PE theorics exam. Terrible teacher, terrible.
My hair smells weird today, the more people I know = the more I'm convinced that the world is indeedy a very small place, David (the one who I hadn't seen for four years, not lopez) got a girlfriend <3, they look so sweet together.
A week of neglecting fandom is near. About fandom - manifesto number one = 6,814 words so far. That's a bit under 1000 words per day. I win.
Also - OMG GUYYYYZ JACOB EXISTS. So...totally...yes.
Also known as best thing I've done.
Emoshit added me in some online habbo-like website. wtf does she want? I've caught her looking at me a few times this week. The delete mail button is so easy to press though.
Today I've been discussing life with people I've barely spoken to before.
Annd the kit kats are over now and so is my time there. Tschüss!