Hokai guyz, see Salem take a break to sit down and type. There's not been much time for that lately.
But first off, and just because, a meme of the memey variety, as tagged by
Comment on this post. I will choose seven interests from you profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along
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And, hey, I'm new to the flist and therefore should probably not go jumping all over Personal Stuff immediately, but good on you for knowing yourself and just working from there. :D Deciding, "I AM GAY, THAT MEANS I NEED TO BE PART OF THE 'CULTURE' NOWNOWNOW" is just not good. Take it one step at a time with the family, definitely; I wish you veryvery much luck for when the time comes to let 'em know!
Side-note: HOLY. I'm just finishing up some mid-terms today, so looking at your list of course exams yet to come is making my face hurt. XD How do you surviiiiive? Argh.
*cough* :D
Tarantino is awesome. He's absolutely, exactly, everything a perfect world needs. Including the movie geekiness and obnoxiousinessity and talent. As proved, mentions of him and Uma make me babble incoherently. And so does your Elle Driver icon, so I'll stop saying words.
Thankies for the support. ♥ And of course, it's never too early to give it! I just spend an unhealthy amount of time thinking about those things and that tones the uncomfortability down. But I won't ramble. And just say thanks instead. ^__^
Shall I do the interest-pick thingy?
There's this thing I have with Tarantino movies. I watch them. I think, the first time around, that I don't like them. I find myself PINING FOR THEM the next day, and then spend a week digitally stalking him and enjoying his dorky lewdness far more than anyone ever should. It's an awesome relationship we have, AWESOME. And Uma, as the hottest thing ever to step in front of a camera, IS HIS SECRET SOULMATE, because that is the way things have to beeee. ♥
But a-anyway, yeah. :D OOH. Yes, let's do the interests thing, it'll be great to see me try explaining some of mine. XDDD
Ahh, definitely, Tarantino is win. He has that prettifully obnoxious edge that only proud nerds have, and then his work *can* actually be considered art. Even Deathproof was beautiful. There's just something different in each movie which makes me fall in love with it. Particularly the characters. And I'm repeating myself here, but he's the only man I'd ever minimally tolerate being with Uma. I just wish she'd stopped wasting herself in Ethan Fucking Hawke earlier.
Annd let us deepen in the meanings of baphomet! dude! mamudoon!, diagnosis: fractured ass, jumping on the bandwagon, kh2 pairings you hate, santoro!xerxes, snow leopards, wing bones.
And, Tarantino's severed limb fetish *is* love.
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