May 20, 2009 08:24
Meh. Woke up feeling blah today. Couldn't breathe when I woke up so I think my mom left my brother's door open. (I'm allergic to his damn guinea cute but they shut my lungs down) So what do I have planned today?!?
I'm going to kick my own ass! Well, attempt to...
I know that I have to run a mile and a half in 14 minutes and 45 seconds so I need to get my stamina up. I'm probably going to try and run ten minutes today without stopping. That's going to NOT be very fun because I have asthma (and smoked like a dumbass) so breathing right is going to be something I need to get into gear. That's why I have yoga. :-) Yoga is all about breathing right so I will adhere to my yoga plan more.
But man...freaking 14 minutes? *cries* I'm such a whiner when it comes to running because I never ever EVER had a good experience with it. When I was a kid, my asthma was terrible and yet every single one of my gym teachers absolutely LOVED the mile. We'd do it every damn day. *shakes fist at DoDDs gym teachers* Just thinking about it pisses me off and sets off an asthma attack! Haha.