May 04, 2005 21:39
A true friend is someone who understands our past, believes in your future, and accepts you today just the way you are.*
I read that, and suddenly, i was inspired to write. That has been happening to me a lot lately... I like it.! :-) I love that quote becuase it is so true. I mean think about it. We all have skeletons in our closets, I know I do. We all have hopes and dreams for the future. Some will come true and we know we can make them, and others we know might now come true, but it is still fun to dream. Friends are the people you talk about those skeletons with (and you know they wont tell a soul), and they're the people you confide in. You tell friends about your hopes for the future. Friends are also the people who like the quote says... understands that the past is the past and there is nothing they nor you can do about it. They dont hold that against you. A true friend tells you that any dream is reachable, no matter how wacky that dream is; they never discourage your hopes and dream. And lastly, a friend likes you for you. They dont try to change you. That basically sums up what a friend should be... and dont get me wrong, I know that not all friendships are perfect, but friendhips are based on those very things ; trust, understanding one another, believeing in eachother, accepting eachother, and one thing that isnt mentioned in the quote.. having fun hanging out with each other. I dunno if any of this is making sense... but oh well.. I just had an inspiration to write, so I did...
And I just wanna thank all my friends for being the best friends there are! :-) All of you guys fit that description... perfectly! :-)