Like learning long division

May 11, 2010 19:06

Exam at 7AM, yes, 7am. I woke up before construction so that was, not nice I was still so tired argh! D: Exam in French on Minimalism artists. One I had no idea in and never studied and one was infact an abstract/minimalist that I did in an exam in January and totally forgot who he was and even his work that I messed it with another artist. Oh man When my classmate reminded me back at the house I had a laughing fit. I hope I scrape a pass anyway.

Other than that, raining lots, sleeping is much loved and wanted, drawing forests and trees.

working title; Bakery boys.

I want to do a BL doujin sobbuuuu, with original characters. I came up with this idea for a while to link with this other comic and discovering I had way too many guy characters sooo...

But lol I found out about the Adamo anthology with awesome artists such as amei, metanomaly and 5cmprince!!! Uagh exciting they are so gunna rule so give them support please!

I'm just trying to come up with some project to do over the summer, and maybe make a little bit of a few dollars. I have no self confidence orz.


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