I'll die from lack of sleep for sure

May 05, 2010 11:37


Construction work drilling away at 5am every day shaking my bed isn't the best way to wake up. Dude seriously. final project is getting under way and I have an exam next week and I can barely pull myself out of bed.

Anyway here's a terrible photosnap of some progress.

What really makes me sad is that even though I'm drawing all this background and character art and research, it's not even going to be looked at and marked. I was thinking of putting it into a small book and selling, say $3-5? I mean, would anyone be interested? The original text is in French but I'm not sure whether I should change it all into english to sell or have both. What would you say, would you be interested or not worth my time? I'm thinking maybe 10-15 copies.

Oh man I'm hungry I need to eat *scitters*


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