
Mar 18, 2010 14:46

I cannot wait to go home, I seriously can't. I need a break from all this work and to just see some friends and my good ol consoles.

My anthropromorphic project is going fine, tutor gave it the A-OK so I'm settled. My University project is somewhat all over the place, my England tutor not being very helpful in terms of what I should be doing or having ready. This is confusing me greatly. I am still working on one story for Savior Which I'm worried that it'll be the only story I'll have done (60pages atm) when I had planned around seven stories? Aghh. On top of all that I've started to practise traditional inking with pen/fine liners for another personal project that I'd love to print and sell. If anyone would buy it however, that's the main question.

The weather is starting to lighten up over here, It's daylight an hour after I get up which is confusing me as I'm so used to going to class in the dark, time also feels alot slower. I don't have a window to look out of, just a skylight which isn't very fun. Also prevents me from having lieins on the weekend. On top of this though it's dawning on me that I have only a few months left overseas. I've been here a little over six months and it's cliché to say that time has flown. I try to wonder if I've actually learnt anything of benefit and the other thing I can come up with is I'm more aware of my anatomy drawing. I haven't really been taught much else. I'm constantly having to change and adapt my drawings in Atelier for the tutors to make it appeal to them. To draw how they want to see it, in my style, rather than allowing me to develop on my own. I have been abused verbally and merciously by five teachers at one time to know that I have alot to learn here. I wasn't brought up in a culture full of comics and animation I don't have the skill and upper-hand my classmates do. Constantly surrounded by illustrations.

I also had to accept that I'm not special or talented like somepeople who immediately get claim to fame and suddenly get a fanbase overnight. My style isn't of flare or cutesy or attractive but full of faults and rushed lines. I need to concentrate and work hard to make my work presentable. Looking through my drawings, alot are just spur of the moment sketches and are not worth to be presented in a portfoilo. They say it takes 6 years for an artist to get some sort of regonition (by Pixar's theory) and I need to really push myself for the coming year with my final year at university. Even though this has been a once in a lifetime chance, I fear because of the slow pace of work, I'll be unprepared once I come back to study in england.

I panick and stress too much, even when I was told to go with the flow because stuff here is so unorganised old habits die hard, I think too much of the future. I really do worry badly what's going to happen to me, I won't make it.

Exteriors I will conquer youuuu


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