Probably emotional

Feb 13, 2010 14:28

uuuu, I think to fix some bits in there but have a looky and leave your comments if you wish

So I was listening to the small selection of Bayonetta songs I had, coming back from a stupid journey across the city (which I ended up buying nothing but a 28cents packet of noodles) and when I was in the metro, one of the songs, 'Greatest Jubilee' I think it's called came on and I bursted out into tears. I have no idea why, the song isn't at all sad, but incredibly powerful and from what I make of it shows a struggle to triumph and overcome ones fears/obstacles. I somewhat felt connected.

When I listen to music without lyrics I tend to imagine scenes in my head with projects I'm doing, Savior and Wasteland particular. To give me an idea where to go with the story, the actions or even how to end it. I also picture everything as an animation because I don't believe in pictures to be just still. I think they're photos caught in the moment, the atmsophere around them, the emotions that have happened seconds before and to come. This is just how I draw and work I guess. I know my work isn't picture perfect but I think I put alot of ideas or the situation behind them. I need to practise more to be totally happy with what I can produce, but you do it by learning and this certain story kinda has this. It's long, angsty and full of silly human love and pride.
But that's just me.

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