Another savior promo

Jan 14, 2010 08:59

Why am I up so early before my class? Soooo tired and hungry already ;;

Everyone on my flist is going on about how amazing funny/awesome Bayonetta is. I feel so out of the loop that I have my copy but I can't play it for another few good months, it's so sad! I want to play and have fun and be with the cool kids XD

Finally got my new project and it's a repeat of what I did last year back in England with anthropromorphic creatures and a story line (furries/catgirls/ animals with human characteristics). I feel like I'm doing a disney project or something. I'm quite fond of drawing robins all wrapped up in winter clothes, it's pretty cute.

It's been snowing here constantly now. It's so annoying! I wish it'd just snow or not snow. But noo; snow, be fine for a few days so everything melts and freezes and makes everything so dangerous ;o; Then snow again on top ahh!

Oh and tool time!; Reply to this post, and I'll tell you one reason why I like you. Then put this in your own journal, and spread the love ♥.

Oh oh oh! AOL you're a douche for not notifying my LJ comments!


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