Nov 19, 2011 00:19
The idiots that complain on newspaper websites fall into some obvious categories, aggravating those of us who try to make coherent comments that are actually relevant to the story.
1. People who complain that this story is "wasting space".
First of all, these are stories on the INTERNET. Wasted space? Really? Actually, by clicking on the story, you are actually increasing the page count for it. That increases advertising revenue and encourages MORE stories of that type. What space is being wasted? Your brain capacity? I suppose so.
2. People who bring up some other issue.
I'm sure that the starving children of Somalia might appreciate your heartfelt appeal to pay attention to their plight, but is this story the right place to bring it up? Certainly their suffering is terrible and a huge human tragedy. However, what good does it do randomly inserting it into places, insisting that whatever the problem of story doesn't matter compared to their situation. Of course a horrible famine is awful. That doesn't automatically negate the problem that the story is talking about. In fact, you're not even really offering a solution. You're just being sanctimonious. Why don't you sell off all your possessions and go volunteer in Africa then, instead of commenting on some article?
3. People who are extremely partisan
Yeah, that's right. LIE-berals and CONs who vilify each other on any article, finding a slant with the slightest hint and accusing the newspaper of bias. Guess what, all newspapers have bias. That in itself is not a crime. Just attacking their "identity" isn't good enough. Either prove your point or quit the name-calling and make a coherent argument, not a character attack.
That's all for now, but those are my main 3 annoyances.