Jan 26, 2009 11:00
Hee hee 23 minutes till oven baked lasgana...it's gonna be worth the wait
So I was originally gonna do some errans this morning but instead I decided to rush home. I wanted to know if Stormie had been sick again while I had been at my parents last night for supper or while I was away overnight at work. Because if she had the sooner I knew the sooner I could plan on how I would get her back to the vet.
However I was plesantly suprised to find the apartment puke free and Stormie running about like yesterday never happened. So I'm pretty sure it was a fluke but I'm keeping my eye on her.
Yesterday I did some reading of my old journal posts, specifically around this time of year. I came to the realization that almost EVERY year around January 20th-30th I suffer some sort of mental crash. Suddenly the past few days make sense. Memo pointed out that it was a week after my birthday which makes sense and Mom pointed out that a lot of people get blue after Christmas but since I have my birthday to look forward to it makes sense it hits me later.
Also last year at this time I pledged to give up pot till March 1st *chuckle* looks like this is becoming an annual thing. But that makese sense too since I tend to over indluge around christmas and my birthday, so febuary is the perfect month to dry out as it were.
Giving up pot is a funny thing. The first two days are like torture, I would sell my soul for a joint. But by the thrid day (today) I couldn't care less and am already making plans for stuff to do and hadn't thought about it until I started writing this heh. I have to admit, I'm thankful that my vice isn't something that is physically addictive like some of those more scary scary drugs out there. Hell its harder to ween off my anti-depressants then pot.
Which is kinda sad in a way.
This week I've already made a ton of plans to be super social to make up for my weeks and weeks of being a hermit. Tuesday I have my usually movie plans with my friends Elf and Ericka. Then Wednesday my friend Melissa who is also having a bit of a funk time is gonna come over for some low key tv and baked goods...hmmm I guess that means I'll have to GET some baked good...or maybe make some...I haven't made muffins in awhile hmmm
Then Thursday my friend Alex is gonna come over for movies and maybe a game. I'm hoping maybe Melissa could join us for that too, since she sounded like she could use all the escape she could get :)
Somewhere in there I'm also gonna try and get to the library, walmart, the post office and the bank. I'm also gonna make sure I go to therapy. I missed it last week cause I was feeling off and started sneezing right before it was time to leave.
Today I plan to enjoy my lasgna, maybe goof around a bit on the guitar, then its off to bed and back to work. Its been DEAD the past two nights and I'm secretly hoping it'll stay dead but I doubt I'll be lucky three nights in a row heh.
Also I've been watching this new BBC series Demons and it got me thinking. Why is the normal person turned hero always a teen? Buffy, Merlin, Demons, Harry Potter, even Supernatural (although they are in their 20s)- its always teens that have to save the world. Since I'm rapidly appraoching 30, I wanna see something where an average joe in their 30s is tapped to be the next big hero
Maybe I'll just write that myself :)