May 14, 2007 17:16
So Logan had blood all over his butt last night so I freaked and made an appointment and Logan came with me to work (thanks in part to Mom and Dad). My new boss checked him out and he wasn't to concerned. He suggested Logan needs more Fiber in his diet so he's gonna be on this gooey stuff called Tonic-lax for the week and he's gotta have metamucil twice a day, so I'm heading over to the grocery store tonight to pick that up. Logan was his usual charming self and all the girls at work were taken with him, he's such a little attention hog heh
Other then that I don't have much news. Mother's day was fun. We went and had this awesome brunch buffet with my family plus the families of her two best friends. The food was great and afterwards we got to see the two harbour seals that live at the Oak Bay Marina. I ended up taking a video of them with my digital camera. Then I went over to my parents and got my laundry done.
Last night I watched Extreme Home Makeover. Its been awhile since I watched it but I shouldn't have been suprised that I started bawling during it. That show always makes me cry.
Wednesday I'm gonnna go see Spiderman with GRaeme and Dad. I am aware its suppose to be pretty bad, but I gotta go see it. Its part of being a comic geek, its required heh. Then there's Shrek 3 and Pirates 3 to watch. I also really want to see the new movie with Mal from Firefly "Waitress" but that's more of a chick flick
Tonight I'm gonna chillax with the kitties. Thankfully Logan isn't holding a grudge for the vet visit, even with the rectal exam heh.