New year, same old stuff

Jan 02, 2007 03:41

SO New Years came and went. I was lucky enough to have the night off so some friends came over and we ate doughnuts and watched "Waiting" which I got on dvd for Christmas from Graeme

Tonight I'm at work but it's thankfully slow so I have a few minutes before I have to run back to the wards which is nice.

I'm kinda blah but I mostly blame my oncoming period for that. I'm also having this ongoing debate on whether or not I should buy a little pot this week or wait. I've smoked a bit this holiday season and waiting is probably the mature thing but at the same time I have the money and the free time now so why wait? Grrrr

I probably won't wait but we'll see what tomorrow brings

I have a date! An actual date this Thursday...with a girl. I'm nervous as all heck but she seems nice enough over email and stuff. She's into Doctor who and is a bit of a geek so that plays in my favour. Worst comes to worst I make a new friend.

I'm finding the combination of living on my own and working nights is increasing my agroaphobic tendancies which leave me not wanting to leave the house nor really be around other people. Even though I like spending time with my friends. It worries me a bit but in retrospect I've always been a bit like my Dad and he's perfectly content just being by himself.

The key, as in all my problems, is my inability to master the concept of moderation. I either want all or none. I either want to have people around 24/7 or I want to be alone all the time. Heck the moderation thing even plays into the pot debate

How do you learn to do things in moderation?

Anyway tomorrow I'm gonna swing by Walmart and buy some face stuff since I'm all out and of course I'm breaking out like crazy right now. Good thing I still have a bit of makeup so I won't be completely hideous and spotty for this upcoming date thing. Then its over to the bank to cash Christmas check and get some laundry money. Then if I've wasted enough time I'll head over to the library. Bloody annoying libraries opening at 10am grrr

Then later tuesday night I'm meeting up with Randy online to RP and I AM gonna post my RP post in Crossroads *hangs head in shame*

The lastest Alison BEchdal book I got for Christmas has kinda sparked my interest in Art again. I want to paint more and bigger but I need to use up what art supplies I have before I can justify buying more paint and more canvases. Maybe tomorrow I'll paint. We'll see

Back to work I go

shopping, work, dating, art

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