mid-operation obligation

Jun 06, 2009 09:16

a completely un-dynamic portrayal of the guys doing the obvious except this is NO TIME FOR A KISS.

no time for a kiss )

duo, heero, fanart

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salamandere June 10 2009, 13:01:04 UTC

As the Preventor copters crested the hill in the distance, Heero and Duo opened fire on the men manning the machine guns and the enemy helicopter pilots.

"You're a good kisser!" Heero shouted over the din.

"Huh?" Duo called back, dirt and dust smudged endearingly on his face as he took out a few tires.

"You're a good kisser," Heero repeated, keeping his eyes and his sights on his targets. He wanted to make sure Duo knew he'd accepted the kiss.

"Oh, yeah," Duo shouted smoothly. "You too!"

"Maybe we could do that again, sometime," Heero suggested, taking out the rotating blade of a copter.

"Yeah," Duo nodded as he danced away from gun fire. "I think we could."

"Good!" Heero replied, just as the Preventor choppers arrived and made short work of the enemy.

As the boys were evac-ed from the sight, Duo dropped into the flimsy seat next to Heero at the back of the chopper and grinned.

"They never hit the mark!"

"Improper training," Heero assessed.

"Too eager," Duo suggested.

"You want to be made into mince meat?" Wufei asked, coming to sit next to them.

"Nah," Duo waved him off. "Just funny. Every time."

Wufei looked skeptical.

Heero smirked. "We're only trying to give them a chance."


(i have a feeling i'll reread this and it won't make sense later... :|)


luel_exana June 10 2009, 23:19:22 UTC
I don't know to which comment I should profess my undying love for you to, so let's just go with this one, because it's the last box in line. XD
This was fantastic and hilarious and I enjoyed it very much. ♥ Oh, I do love you hilarious action movie romances.
I totally didn't expect you to go out and write anything, but I am never going to complain about the fact that you did. (You are awesome like that, you know? ♥)

And I always notice deliciously drawn body parts. (No wait, that just sounds wrong now. haha) But you did draw his jaw very well. Duo should be licking it in your next drawing. ;D haha There is just something... really, damned nice about jaws.

I watched "Transporter 3" a while ago, and had a great time dying of laughter at it. It's a ridiculous action movie, but it knows it, so it pulls off all the cheesy, overblown cliches and fighting sequences with style. XD; I mean, at one point the main character (a hunky man in a black suit) gets in a fight with a gang. Since he is unarmed, he proceeds to strip his jacket, tie and shirt in mid-battle and strangle his opponents with them. It is hilarious. I would strongly recommend watching it for the lulz. And you gotta love lines like:
BigBadBoss: (to hero, in the middle of their fight) "I was so impressed by your performance throughout these events, that I would like to offer you a position within my organization."
Hero: "I would like to offer YOU one: permanently disabled."

HA! It's classic. And they have exploding bracelets. Don't expect high literature from this, but it's great for an evening of mindless procrastination. XD;


salamandere June 11 2009, 17:30:42 UTC
It turns out I will take love from any box at all! XD ♥ especially yours!!! :DD

oooh, you put the IMAGE in my head, of duo licking...let me rephrase: of DUO LICKING HEERO'S JAW. You! probably it should be your next drawing wink wink ;) OR we may end up in a draw-battle wherein the boys appear in various licking positions. haha, oh no, it's so good :(

hahahah OMG i've SEEN that movie on a BUS, but I didn't know it was that one, but once you described the scene...well, there can only be one such movie. Actually, the part that got me was how the chick was SO OBNOXIOUS and a whore and he STILL went for her :\ bad message overall. but yes, i did laugh a TON at that movie. i was really rooting for the hero to blow the chick up. I REALLY WANTED IT. actually that would have turned it into not just a movie for lulz, but a movie to be proud of. alas, they missed the chance. HOWEVER, one good lesson that can be taken is that HEERO YUY MAY get undressed during fight scenes, if he pleases, and we would be SO LUCKY and it would not even be considered something only possible in the delicious AC universe! :D

there were probably enough caps lock and exclamation points to last a month in there ;)

oh also duo could too, of course. and whoever else wants to that is a G-pilot XDDD
i am now going to go sit down and picture that scene many times over. ♥


luel_exana June 12 2009, 07:29:05 UTC
"OR we may end up in a draw-battle wherein the boys appear in various licking positions. haha"

My first attack:

I'm kind of afraid of the directions this battle can go in. XD;; haha

And yeah, I'd like to pretend the romance part never happened. At least he kept his cool throughout most of the movie. I think "Hitman" wins for "most awesome way to deal with women throwing themselves at you ever". XD; The main character is this awkward young guy who is good at fighting, but really bad at social interaction. Sounds like someone we know. *cough* This lady he rescues throws him down on the bed and is ready to have her way with him, and he panics and stabs her in the neck with a tranquilizer. XD; Then he gets up, straightens his tie, makes sure she's okay, and leaves. haha

Also, if Heero ever used his own clothing in a fight like that, pretty soon he would be fighting naked. Though this may or may not be a bad thing. XD At least Duo wears more clothes? haha


salamandere June 12 2009, 15:22:37 UTC
you. are. a. heroine.
how dare you be so amazing :| idek.
this is just to say: MISSION ACCEPTED! (but i'm in the farm country now without fast internet, so expect an update after the weekend and much more squee about this here thing above ;D) ♥ ♥

p.s. my fantasies: you fueled them :\


luel_exana June 13 2009, 04:34:49 UTC
I feel like one of those drug dealers, standing on the corner of the street with my trench coat flaps filled with Duo/Heero pron. haha XD;;

I will wait patiently for your rebuttal. And by "patiently" I mean "on the edge of my seat", but I'll still wait. XD

Farm country! Sounds relaxing. Take me with you!


salamandere June 15 2009, 19:00:27 UTC
back from the country side!
and i have more to say about your First Attack.

OMG!!!!!!!! heero's half-closed eyes ARE SO AMAZING!! his blushing cheeks. i, oh, hm. ♥ and you put duo in the red, zip up shirt thing!!!!!!! i can't express how much i love that. and and and duo's super cute, pleased expression!!!! (i mean, wow, i would be pleased too, but AWWW, he does it best ♥) and their arms! that's what I want to lick :pppp and heero's collar bone!!! so yum, it hurts :(
it's as i said, gorgeous is not strong enough, no no no.

and now:
Counter-attack! The collarbone lick!

sorry for crappy grey-weirdness. i did it on paper and had to take a pic b/c i don't have a scanner anymore :( thus, it came out like that.

hmmmm, yes--i am both nervous and HIGHLY EXCITED about the direction of this battle... ;D (haha, in truth i wanted this to be a bit um, erm, saucier but i was surrounded by family all the time and i couldn't possibly explain to them how much they're missing... XDDDDD)


luel_exana June 15 2009, 23:20:22 UTC
OMG YES!!!!! XD Are... are those DEVIL HORNS on Duo's heart? ahahaha This is fantastic Sala! Mmm collarbones. ♥ Heero also looks like he doesn't stand a chance against Duo's advances. If this were Pokemon, Duo's attack would be Super Effective! I love the smug/evil look on Duo's face. And your collar bones... you draw them so well. ♥ *_* ♥

Don't worry, your NEXT drawing can be saucier. ;D Families just don't understand sometimes what they're missing. XD

Counter-attack pending!


salamandere June 16 2009, 00:55:57 UTC
they are most seriously devil horns on Duo's heart! Because love is a mischeivous thing XDD when duo maxwell is involved. XDDD
OMG DUO AS A POKEMON TRAINER! or Duo as a pokemon, even!!! awww, he'd be so cute! and he'd always win against heeropuff. (that would be heero's pokemon name.) duo would probably be duotales (because of the braid).
or duirtle, because LOL.

i am SO excited for your next move, IT IS NOT EVEN FUNNY!

♥ ♥ ♥


luel_exana June 16 2009, 07:50:16 UTC

LICKING ICE CREAM OFF OF CHEST ATTACK! (Now with extra screaming children in the background! (She'll appreciate it when she gets older)

This is looking suspiciously like the "Duo Tops!" challenge. XD; haha Though I can't say I have any complaints. Duo needs some topping-love too. And Heero is covered in toppings there now too. har har har Fear my witty wit of wittyness!

This is obviously a sign that I need to go to bed, and shouldn't stay up all night grading papers, because that's no fun for anyone. XD;

And now I will sit on my butt, and bite my lip and wait in glee for your rebuttal, because your art always makes me happy. XD This challenge is the best thing ever! Good job for thinking of it! You're brilliant. ♥


salamandere June 16 2009, 17:13:25 UTC

LOL, omg that little girl doesn't realize she's just witnessed every other girl's life-long DREAM. I'm gonna rob her of that memory and put it in my Pensieve. XDDDD

it DOES look like "Duo Tops" which i ALSO can't complain about!! I guess I just see Duo being the licker, hehe. But I'm gonna give Heero a chance soon, now that you mention it. but not YET ;DDD

Really, I have to deeply thank you for accepting the challenge, otherwise none of this would have been seen!! and man, it is SO BEAUTIFUL (that is, your stuff! i'm not comenting on my own here ;p )XDDDDD

Counter-attack is back!! Today is the cruelly pleasurable foot lick!!!

haha, tongues are hard to draw. I can honestly say i don't have a lot of practice with them and I am SO glad to be remedying that :DDDD


salamandere June 16 2009, 17:25:44 UTC
I forgot to mention that Duo's bum looks FANTASTIC!!!!
and it really needed to be said ;D

and i love him in the summer ponytail, too! ♥

(oh and heero's arms!) i didn't really comment well in the other one, i see. I think i was too stunned by the beauty to be coherent. XDD


luel_exana June 16 2009, 19:13:33 UTC
Duo's tongue is seeing lots of ACTION in this challenge. >;D haha I think you're putting it to great use!
Heero looks apropriately ravished. XD (I love the fact that Heero's shirt slipped so low and he's flashing a nipple at us. NEXT TARGET? XD

Mmm You drew Duo with his hair down!!!! *__* ILU
And YOUR STUFF IS BEAUTIFUL! Never tell yourself otherwise. You know, all artists do the "my art's not worthy!" thing. >_> I think it comes with the job description. I do it too. haha

I said it before, and I'll say it again: THIS IS THE BEST DRAWING CHALLENGE EVER! XD And with every drawing you do for it, my day gets brighter and more awesomer (bad grammar to emphasize point haha). Thank YOU for playing along. ♥ And I'm glad you're getting... tongue practice in? XD;; haha I've found that too, it's hard to draw tongues and have them not look really weird. But with every drawing we gain exp! Soon we'll get to evolve too!

Arms and legs are my weak points, so I'm glad you like them. XD I have to get in more practice drawing those too.

My rebuttal! En garde! It's the stealthy ear lick!


salamandere June 16 2009, 19:47:28 UTC

the stealthy ear-lick...it's so good i want to cry. i probably have tears in my eyes. FIRST OF ALL heero's sleeping face is Mighty Precious. THEN, there is the way that one of Duo's legs is covered in the blanket too, AWWWWWW!! ALSO the detail of the dog tags is both tough AND sexy and who doesn't want that???
MOREOVER, Duo's eager AND sneaky expression is awesome! (so awesome) It's just so Duo to notice that since Heero is sleeping, it's a perfectly logical time to TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HIM, via the ear lick. oh god. and heero brought a pillow b/c he is so prepared~♥

whew. now that my inner feelings have been expressed, i think i can be logical enough for comments :D

um, yes, heero's nipple. I WOULD LOVE TO TALK ABOUT IT ALL DAY. As far as I can tell, he wears that tank top for the SOLE PURPOSE of nipple exposure. seriously, otherwise he'd act like a regular dude and wear a t-shirt. I mean, since when did a guy in a green tank top look inconspicuous. well, maybe in the '80s...i guess. but now, that would just be silly. and since it was his mistake, i'm going take advantage of the mobility and looseness of such attire >:DDDDD

actually you inspired me to put duo's hair down with the ponytail you did. it was so free flowing i had to continue the pattern :)

haha, i think it is a pre-req for artistic people to be super harsh self-critics. otherwise we'd be congratulating ourselves WAAAY too often. XDDDD (like scientists) (i actually love science)

121 exp. points gained!! how many more to evolve?? I want a tongue with UPGRADED ABILITIES!!!!! mwahahaha. that was so dirty i'm proud.

i have to practice um, all of human anatomy, basically :p but this is the BEST way to do such a thing ;p

lastly: SUPER FAST COUNTER ATTACK! you surprised my camp at their lunch. But look out! I'll be back!!!!!!


luel_exana June 16 2009, 22:03:54 UTC
I have to confess that I like dog tags for the exact reasons you just listed. XD; The scenario in my head went something like “Duo and Heero are coming back from military training camp” of some sort. Heck, maybe it’s even Preventers stuff. And Duo, being a master of improv, would think it the perfect time to exploit Heero’s lowered defenses. haha (You know Heero won’t really mind.)

*pours you tea* So, Heero’s nipples are quite nice, aren’t they? Have a biscuit. With how loose that tanktop is, he’s probably been flashing his nipples at the entire cast of GW all series long. XD; (No wonder everybody always follows him around. haha) Though let’s face it, the tank top is the least conspicuous part of his already questionable get-up. XD;

*high fives for Duo’s hair being down* It’s a team effort! XD
(Now I have this urge to draw us both as scientists, scientifically examining GW porn vials of chemicals and congratulating ourselves. XD;;;
Well done, Dr. Salamander!

“Upgraded abilities” INDEED. XD;;

And everyone always needs to practice *all* of anatomy, but it’s more efficient to pick a body part or a concept you want to get better at, and then focus on doing that. : ) This challenge is great exercise for me too! And it’s always fun practicing with somebody else. (WAIT! Not like that! XD; haha)

So I guess this was a *SNEAK ATTACK* post in every sense of the word then. Awesome! Don’t mind me, I was just procrastinating doing the dishes. You know how that goes. ^^


salamandere June 17 2009, 23:02:32 UTC
Prepare your shields!

Stealing my parts? I'll steal your composure.

1st, if this image is totally distorted, that's my fault. I can't do image resize for beans. (yuck, why would i do anything for beans?)
i'll repost it if it's impossible to view.

aw, i love that idea of them riding a bus/train/van back together after some intense military training. it makes duo's desire to touck (lick!) heero even cuter, because they've just completed a plethora of really difficult (probably violent) tasks and yet he just wants to paw his boy. AWW.

MMM, what nice tea. well, if Heero was flashing his chest all over the place, there is no question about everyone's motivation. Yum, i like these kinds of biscuits. Try these cookies, they're my favorite. I might as well admit that the chance of viewing that particular area of that particular person would definitely get me through a war, all altruistic notions aside. XDDD hmm, so i see Relena didn't care about peace after all.....

hahahha! i would be the clumsiest scientist ever!! but i wold love wearing the goggles. Oooooh lab reports!!! And i love saying the word pipette, so, really, i'm already qualified as a great scientist and as a team WE ARE READY TO DAMAGE THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY THROUGH BRILLIANCE ALONE.



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