grah, who needs a fucking subject? shut up and listen.

Jul 18, 2005 00:39

Ooooookay then. Long time, no bitch. Let's get this shitty bitch ball of an LJ rolling again. I seem to be currently updating in massive chunks, which i find much more liberating, personally. Anyway. Last time i left you guys, it was some time after christmas. It's now fucking july 2005, so yay for procrastination. So, onwards with the updating, i guess.


Okay, last time i left you guys, i had split up with jenny, wrote a song about it and because teh shitzorz band could play it, i thought i was the dog's bollocks. (To all you american users, it means fuckin' awesome.) since then, SO MUCH SHITE has been going on that it's enough to distract Micheal Jackson from mollestering five year olds. Firstly, our band changed names more time than pamela anderson has had boob jobs, and we eventually decided upon 'the clarity'. yay for us. we did a few songs, recorded one or two, like professionals, then like a fucking bombshell, our bass player drops out of the band. NO MORE FUCKING BAND. i dont care that much, though. i wrote some good songs, which i'm proud of, (better than that emo shite in the last post - yes, i admit, it was emo and it was shite.) and our bass player couldn't play bass for beans in the first fucking place, so it's no major loss. still, it pisses me off that in about 4 days from now it would have been our first ever live gig as a band.

On the love front, i have found a girl called Madeliene, or Maddy for short. she's very cute, nice boobs, and insecure as HELL, but i cant get rid of her so i guess i'm stuck with her. not that that's a good thing. she loves me, and, from what i've been feeling, i guess i must love her too. i dont know what love is, but i suppose getting a lump in your throat when you think about them, missing them when they're not there and wanting to kiss them and show them how much you like them whenever you are there defines as love. well fuck, i didn't think i would be in love with her. i dont WANT to be in love with her, because i want to play the field a bit more, flirt with some more people just as it was getting good.. fuck, i'm a twisted son of a bitch. and selfish, too. but fuck it. why should i care what i think? or others?

on the plus side..






Well on the way to college, which i cannot fucking WAIT for, so yay for me. i'm better than you american fags who have to go to school till your 19 or something. sucks ass to be you.

On the slightly related side, i'm trying to get a new job. that pays lotsacash for myself. so i'll be rich aswell yayz. i'll be a rich, educated, unmarried, white male who's parents own their own home. fuck, i must be a prime fucking suspect for all those leechers off the fucking government. it makes me kind of begrudging of work, you know? to think that almost a quarter of my fucking earnings will be going to people who get drugged up and pissed out of their fucking head every night on my money. fuck, i may aswell steal from thier welfare checks and do that myself! atleast I'LL be getting the fucking pleasure that way! grr.


you know what pisses me off? the fact that this country, no, this fucking WORLD, is rotting, and corrupting itself from the inside out. no, this is not a rant about the government. fuck, the government cant even get my fucking MAIL to me on time, i have nothing to worry about from that bunch of political fags. noooo. i'll tell you what i'm pissed off about. last week, i saw in the papers that kids, FUCKING KIDS, aged between 12 and 16, beat a guy to death because he didnt have a fucking light for a cigarette. i read another guy who got set on fire because these fucking kids, again aged between 13 and 18, thought it would be funny. a girl, 16, was raped brutally in our fine, GLORIOUS fucking country the other day and kids recorded their mate fucking her on their fucking camera on their phone! how the FUCK is this moral? do these kids have no fucking SOUL? do they have no fucking morality? i mean jeez, it's like they dont care about fucking life and death, and it makes me physically sick to my stomach, that we are sharing the same fucking breathing air as these fucking rejects! you're damn right this pisses me off! i am PISSED OFF with the ammount of kids, who are ready and willing to gut someone for the thrill of it. i mean, it's not even gang warlords and ransoms and killing to get paid off by a gangster or something! atleast they have a fucking motive! but these, these fucking excuses for human life are cutting someone's life short FOR THE FUCKING FUN OF IT? like it's some kind of fucking big joke to watch a fellow human being squirm in agony? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?

this world is slowly destroying itself, ladies and gentlemen. that is just the stuff mentioned in the papers the other day about kids and 'yobs' etc. now lets look at the global scale. terrorists bombing our fucking capital. terrorist activities in the east. suicide bombers in iran and shit, blowing people up for thier religious beliefs. the whole fucking world is being raped up the ASS with a sandpaper dildo held by these sick sadistic fuckwits, and noone can do a fucking thing about it because they aren't afraid to die! you cant threaten these people with shooting! they fucking LIVE for shooting! how the fuck do you extinguish an enemy without fear of a fundamental thing that has scarred the history of mankind since the beginning? a fundamental fear of death? or end of existence? how do you kill someone who is not afraid to not live?

so here's what i propose we do. we get all the kids who like to kill people for fun in one room, and we get all the fucking fanatical bombers in another. line each other up with nukes and a bag full of krispy kremes, and get it on national television, because i would pay to watch these people extinguish each other willingly to cleanse our world of all this shit that has been going on recently.

okay, i think i've done what i set out to do. i'll keep you posted on events in about 15 years or so. fuck, we'll probably have the internet uploaded into our brains by then. see you later, whoever you are reading this.

PS: whoever can count for me how many times i said fuck in this rant, including that one there, they get a bazzillion points and a cookie.
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