Aug 17, 2006 22:59
Reading Pattern
Last year's summer reading went all over the place. I jumped from the epic love in Love in the Times of Cholera (Garcia Marquez) to Piscine's tragically hilarious voyage in Life of Pi, to savouring blood in the Hannibal trilogy, to the life journey of Adam's eldest son Cab [I think that was his name] in Steinbeck's East of Eden. Did I have a pattern? No. These were books I was craving to read since the last gruelling weeks of my second university year. They were beautiful books, all of which still have an impact on my perspective, and my writing skills.
Surprises are always good. I love surprises, and this year one came my way. My summer reading has had an underlying theme of love and spirituality. Furthermore, it has gotten me thinking about the one above! (Pinky, you can insert your laugh here). Many know me as a former atheist, anti-religion, and current agnostic. Theology was an easy way of loosing me in a conversation or getting me angry. And I don’t get angry easily. God and I had made a truce after I decided there must be some higher power. My side of the bargain was to eventually seek a path and follow it at my own pace. I think I’ve found a path, and I am contemplating it as books keep coming my way.
Coincidence would be a way to describe the manner in which I arranged my summer reading. However, I think the one above cheated a little bit by bending the events just so my summer reading would have a pattern. Damn loopholes in the damn bargains! He know I thoroughly enjoy complex books.
It began with a history/poli-sci book on Trujillo’s dictatorship in the Dominican Republic. READ IT!! What a great way to understand power structures and their victims. The Feast of the Goat, by Vargas Llosa (the book I’m talking about) is also very easy to read, as well as engaging. Llosa’s book left me somewhat moody. The world is too messed up, politics rough and I am just an egg. Powerlessness is the name of such a feeling.
I read Llosa’s book fairly quick, and after it I had little energy to read or think; a bit of school burn-out. I stuck to a bit of the news and a lot of PlayStation. One of my favourite games (Ace Combat 5), however, was a very complex political thriller in the midst of airplane fighting. So exciting. I did pick up a book I got for my b-day, called Trojan Horse, by J.J. Benitez. I read it extra slowly. On the side I was reading the short, At the Mountains of Darkness. But in B.C I got plenty of spare time to read and the Trojan Horse became a perspective into theology I had never thought of. If you are unsatisfied with how Jesus is portrayed at church and elsewhere, read this book. One can’t help but fall in love with everything he represents.
Secondly, I read Cohelo’s The Pilgrimage. Love, universal acceptance of people, knowing that God is for the common people and not an unreachable Father, and enriching the spirit were again present themes in this beautiful little book. Finally I read Stranger in a Strange Land, which I devoured so quickly I cannot yet grok (understand) the ending in fullness. But waiting will fill. Hahaha, Am I ever a dork. But as dorky as I am, it begins to feel as if I am loved unconditionally by someone else other than my mom. And that presence, is, I think, within me; always with me and its love unrestricted by pious rules. I am drifting farther way from religion and ever closer to…God.
P.S. God, I know you cheated legally under our bargain. I might play a prank on you for that. See yah later buddy