(no subject)

Dec 28, 2005 16:07

My father is cooking sausage and peppers, and it is making the whole apartment smell. Tonight Mae is going singing for the first time in a while. She made me look up directions to Linwood. She also made me attempt to scan some documents for her, but that didn't work. This morning my dad showed me some article in the New York Times about how psychotherapy is gaining popularity, and Mae was like "Wow, maybe you could actually make a living off of that!" I'm getting sick of making public entries, so Ashley hurry up and magically transport yourself onto my friends list okay? Stephanie sleeps so frigging much. I told her to stop going to bed at three in the morning, but she doesn't listen. The hermit crabs died already. We had them for what, five days? Eight. We came home on Christmas and thought they were sleeping. Michelle picked one up and its body fell right out of the shell. I've always wondered what they looked like without shells. Then last night I heard the other one moving around excessively, and I figured he was changing his shell. I went to open my window an hour later, and there he was. Hanging on the side of the cage completely naked, staring at me. I didn't know whether to laugh or scream. He refused to get into any of the shells laying on the cage floor, and he was dead this morning. Michelle better be giving those ferrets a bath because I can't take it anymore. When you clean the entire cage and there is still an odor, that should tell you something.
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