Jul 22, 2008 16:30
So I just finished reading all of my old entires. I've learned a few things about my past self
1. I had serious grammatical issues
2. I was slightly winey
3. I LOVED mount
4. I was a completely different person
It is kind of fascinating actually. I cannot believe how different things are now. Like 5 of my entries
went on about how I wanted to go as far as possible to school, ironically, I am at UB and living in the same house I did for most of my high school career. What is even stranger is that it is exactly what I want, I LOVE LOVE LOVEEEE UB it is by far the best decision I ever made. I also I am much closer to the girls which is very important. I am really happy. I have my share of issues between work and lewiston but I am generally really happy.