Oct 21, 2020 09:47
Ya hello~
Suddenly I want to say this, well I hope you won't be offended after I said this...
First, I'm trully grateful to people who added me and done introduction on comment section at my intro post. I'm so happy to met and known you all, bcs I love to meet new people...😊
Second, I'm really sorry I can't reply you quickly bcs I need time do to it calmly. Please bear with me ok? I'm not free person (even I'm doing it on my giri giri time)
Third, for you who already add me but forget to comment on my intro post or done comment but forget to click add... please do comment after read my intro post carefully until finish and add me. So I can peacefuly add you back...😅
I'm not super strict person, I wrote my intro and rule just bcs I need to know who kind of people that will be my mutual and reassured myself that you understand it. I hope this won't burden you all...
To share content and sub works, it's not easy work. You need more time and energy to do it. So that's all from me...