[MARY] Tutorial 12 | TVXQ GIF

Dec 16, 2008 18:33

A tutorial for my bb starrrfruit ~ She wants to know how to make .GIFS from movie files. And this one is the easiest when it comes to .avi ones :) It's how I make mine.

We're going to make this:

This tutorial was based on this one right here by AOI over @ the narutofan forum. But since the images are gone, I redid it (shorter version XD; i'm lazy) for my friend.

Warning: Image heavy! As in HUGE images.

What you need:
• VirtualDub -- it is my lifesaver. Like no lie. You can get it here for free.
• ImageReady -- it comes with Photoshop. So yes, you will still need photoshop for this.
• A .AVI movie file. That's it. It's the only one that works. If you want to convert files, I suggest downloading some converting program.
• A folder in your desktop -- this is where you're going to be putting the image sequences. Name it whatever you'd like.

Extract Virtual Dub, etc. open the program.

then go to File > Open video file

The movie opens into two screens, but that's okay.

Okay, first off, hahahaha I'm going to turn the stairs scene/thrust from DBSK's Golden Disk Award "Mirotic" performance |D I'm a perv. Lmao. But all I did was drag the box/arrow
thing to the beginning of the scene and then i go to Edit > Set Selection Start and you'll see a blue line on the timeline.

Then I press the
button to go a few more frames until we reach the end of the scene and then I click Edit > Set Selection End.

With that, you have selected your whole scene! The scene that you are about to make into a gif :)

Then you go to File > Save Image Sequence and under Directory to hold images you browse until you get to the folder you made before, and select it. That's where the .tga images will be placed under. So remember, the output format should be .tga! For the file name, you could put whatever you'd like. Then this window will pop up:

Let it finish. **take note that 200 or less frames are easier to edit with imageready. it doesn't take a long time, so keep it short.

Close Virtual Dub and open Imageready.

Go to File > Import > Folder as Frames and click on the folder with which you saved the frames into. And wait for it to load.

Now all of your frames are together in one .gif. Press play & give it a go. If you want to edit it. perhaps resize it if it's too big? or crop ? then do so! And if it's too slow, you might want to go through every other frame and delete them. (It tends to be really slow, so I delete every other frame on the Animation folder. :x)

I cropped mine so it's closer to the boys & I resized it 80%. (go to Image > Image Size)

Set the animation time to whatever you want & ta da~

To save it go to File > Save Optimized As and put in the file name and you're done :)

Editing & adding whatever to .GIFS take longer. This was just a brief tutorial on how to make gifs themselves.

Other Examples:

I hope that was helpful ~ you try & experiment with actually editing the .gif by pressing the "photoshop" button underneath the tools section 8) And have fun! .Gifs are time consuming, but they're really fun to make ♥ If you have any questions, ask! I know that was probably really confusing...

tutorial, creator: mary, music artist: dong bang shin ki

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