Fic: Joy Ride

Jun 12, 2011 12:08

Title:  Joy Ride

Rating: PG-13

Characters and/or Pairing: Demon!Sam, Demon!Dean, Fallen!Castiel

Word Count: 350

Summary: Dean thinks Cas should learn how to drive.

A/N: IMPORTANT - This fic is part of my Darkside Verse, and probably won't make much sense unless you've watched the original trilogy of videos it sprang from.

Dean thinks Cas should learn how to drive, so in a little nowhere town down south they steal a car, some obnoxious cherry-red convertible that offends their sensibilities, and go careering up the highstreet. Top’s down and there’s an angel behind the wheel, Dean kneeling up in the passenger seat next to him, arms spread wide so the wind whips at his jacket and steals the wild sound of laughter right out of his mouth. Castiel thinks he’s dazzling like this, hard to look at without squinting. All chaos and speed and reckless, terrible enjoyment. He woops wordless excitement as humans scatter out of their path and other cars swerve and crash to avoid them, revelling in the pandemonium their idle pastime leaves in its wake. Already there’s a bright streak of destruction behind them, and in the red convertible they’re the fiery sparks travelling along a lit fuse. Dean hopes there’s a big enough bang to make it worth it when they eventually reach the end. Maybe they’ll crash, go out in style. Cas can be Thelma and he’ll be Louise.

There’s a guttural snarl of an engine and then Sam’s right there next to them in the Impala, the windows rolled down so he can shoot a dimpled grin their way, all double-dog dare. Dean’s eyes light and his voice somehow rises over the deafening roar of wind and cars and screaming, telling Cas to gun it, and suddenly they’re racing in earnest, gone in a shriek of red and black. They crash through town like a natural disaster, a lightning strike or a twister, and Castiel feels like he’s riding the storm. He’s breathless with it, needs to open his wings and catch the wild updraft. He feels untethered and it’s never been like this, never.

Sam takes the lead easy enough and Dean doesn’t even care. He drops down properly into the seat, closes his eyes and thinks vaguely: this is it. This, right now, is all he’s ever wanted. He’s got his brother, his angel, his car and an open road.

This is their freedom.

darkside 'verse, fic, supernatural, gen, team free will

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