A load of updates. O_O lmao.
Ephemeral-Dream got a new layout finally. Version 2.0 featuring B. Jenet. Please let me know what you guys think. Also looking for domains to affiliate with, ones with similar sites/intrests as me. ^^.
Wonderland, my fanlisting collective also got a new layout. ^^ Please let me know what you guys think about this one too. In fanlisting news, i applied for a ton, and i adopted the Marlene + Tifa relationship fanlisting from Sarah but its not up yet. I also got two new fanlistings up recently
Happy Ending a fanlisting for the JRock singer Cocco and
Kikouken the fanlisting for Chun-li. If you have similar fanlistings and want to affiliate let me know. ^^
Virgin Ears has now officially turned into forum only. But still a lot of music. Please join if intrested.
Sweet Harmony is currently undergoing a revamp. After this i hope to work on a Tira shrine finally.
i believe thats all in ED news ^^;