Mar 29, 2007 11:40
so yesterday was my first day of work and wow o_o i knew it was going to be exhausting but this is just ridiculous. i came home and my feet were no longer functioning. and this is only from 4 hours of work, i don't know how i will be able to do all 7 x.x they don't let you sit anywhere and for the entire 7 hours you have to be walking around doing something, if they catch you taking a break, you get yelled at. holy shit i smelled so much like coffee that my cat thought i became a cafein bean ._. the entire time i was there i was running around making coffee, tea, hot chocolates, french vanillas, ice caps, dohnuts, more coffee and more tea. x.x oi. i can do it all in my sleep now... and i actually did ._. i swear to you all i had a dream that i had an order of 20 coffees and i messed up all of them T_T it wasn't such a happy dream. v.v and today i have to work another shift x__x i got blisters on my feet so this one will be difficult. oh and i'm not aloud a break until i go on the full 7 hour schedule and even then it's only half an hour ..... WOOOH XD wish me luck *hugs you all* this one will be hard. alright i'm off to buy my mom a present (it's her birthday today) ^^ the big 35! o_o she's freaking out because she thinks she's getting old >.> i wanna slap her. anyways XD i love you all ^-^
<3333 keitii