Ohh College.

Dec 17, 2007 02:40

Semester one completed.
Here's a lesson I just learned. I got an email from my math teacher with my grade today. I made a D+. Even though it is a passing grade, I still can't progress to Math 122. Essentially I would have to retake Math 111i. I really don't want to do that.
I looked on my curriculum sheet and I realized that I should have taken Stat 110 all along. There's no pre-req. I wasted an entire semester taking Math 111i and not getting credit for it to find that I could have taken an easier class that actually counts towards my major. Essentially, if this works, I'm still on track and nothing will be messed up with my future schedules. I just get to live with the shame of wasting a class. And my Stats class is at 8 am. Boo hiss. I had just moved my 8am english class to a later time to earn some sleep, but now I guess I will be a grumpy girl next semester. No more staying up late on livejournal and facebook anymore. =[ Here's hoping I will be able to get up in the cold mornings next semester and go to those 8ams.
I'm taking University Band next semester. That should be exciting. I kind of miss playing concert band literature. Hopefully it will be fun. I know all of the percussionists from drumline so that should be a bit easier on me.
I might be going to the CofC/USC bball game on Saturday. I kind of want to. I think it would be fun. We'll see.
I'm also going to start knitting. Starting with scarves. Anyone want one? Crazy cat lady status, oh yeah.
I have to get my last HPV vaccination on Wednesday. I'm scared. For shizzle. I always freak out when I get a shot and I get all light headed and nauseous. Epic fail on my part.
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