[Index] AO3 Fanfiction, Marvel

Dec 05, 2018 05:47

Indexed by pairing or by main character, chiefly.



Relativistic Heat Conduction

Age of Ultron-based, but not entirely canon compliant. Written for the 2013 Cap-Iron Man Reverse Big Bang. Ultron has attacked, obliterating most of the world's superheroes and resistance in a matter of hours. The remaining heroes band together and share what strength they have to get through it, to survive, and defeat Ultron once and for all. Steve Rogers grieves in the wake of the disaster and the heroes' defeat, and no one knows if he will be able to provide the leadership they need--but Tony Stark isn't about to let him slip away that easily.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, character death, temporary character death (both types), romantic relationship.

Silver Glass

“I would wait forever,” Tony tells him, mouth still soft and warm on his neck, “but no,” he says, “not long.”  Something of a coda to Relativistic Heat Conduction.  Heavy themes, romantic relationship.

The Single Biggest Problem With Communication

In the wake of Steve's return from the dead and the end of Norman Osborn's reign of terror, the superhero community is recovering--Steve  has taken on a new role and Tony is trying to put his life back together. Things are still awkward between them, but they're determined to put things to rights. But when a discussion about their feelings leads to further misunderstandings, they discover that might be more difficult than either of them realized. Set in the early Heroic Age after the end of  Dark Reign, this is a get-together story about crossed  wires--and second  chances.

Written for the Cap-Iron Man Big Bang. The gorgeous art for this story, by phoenixmetaphor, can be found here, or here on tumblr!  Explicit, explicit sexual content, some graphic imagery, romantic relationship.

Lucky Break

Steve and Tony haven't been together long--they just started dating after putting the team back together in the form of the New Avengers.   When the Red Skull finds out about their relationship, though, he takes  it personally.  Aiming to make an example of them and insulted by Steve taking up with a man, he takes them prisoner, and proceeds to try and break them.  It doesn't exactly go as planned.  Set directly after the beginning of the first (2004) New Avengers series and the formation of the new team.  Explicit, heavy themes/blood and gore (torture,   homophobia, injury), romantic relationship.  Hurt/comfort.

I'll Be Looking at the Moon

All the Avengers have returned from the alternate dimension where   Franklin  Richards sent them after they sacrificed themselves to defeat Onslaught--except Iron Man.  Steve Rogers, though, believes that he's still out there, and resolves to look for him, refusing to give up on the idea that Tony Stark is out there somewhere, alive.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, heavy themes (brainwashing, PTSD, suicidal ideation, depression), romantic relationship.

I Have Loved the Stars Too Fondly

Series where Tony and Steve were together before the incursions crisis--and try do deal with it through BDSM.  Both are explicit, with explicit sexual content and BDSM/kink content.  Romantic relationship.


Might Have Cherished You More Wisely

“You didn’t fuck it up,” he said, again, keeping his voice even, steady, with an effort of will. “I was the one who redded out.”

“I was the one who made you,” Tony said. “Let’s not play around.”

--Or, Steve and Tony are together before the incursion crisis starts, and since Tony can't find a way to break it off after Steve's mindwipe without tipping him off that something big has changed, they stay together. They've tried dom/sub scenes before, and try one again, but this time, Tony's guilt makes it much harder for him to handle than he expected . . . .


But Your Spirit is Untainted; I Can Dedicate You Still

The incursions crisis is over, and Steve and Tony have gotten back together, but nothing is the same as it was. Fearing that things are broken between them forever, Steve asks Tony something unexpected to try to make things right.

Or, Steve asks if Tony really meant what he said when he asked Steve to hurt him. Sequel to Might Have Cherished You More Wisely.

Nobody Does It Better

Steve frowned, and reached out with his still gloved hand, but he stopped before his hand reached Tony’s gauntleted forearm, and then he just stood there, looking at Tony, a strange, wistful, yearning but somehow determined look on his face. “What,” he said. “Not supposed to be your friend? Well, too late, Tin Man.”

Steve's in love with Iron Man.  Tony's in love with Steve. The only problem is a little matter of identity. Early 616 canon identity porn Steve/Iron Man get together fic.

Written for 6/16; Cap-Iron Man's 616 Day!  General audiences, kissing, romantic relationship.

Something to Be Thankful For

Tony is always good at making Steve feel better.  Steve is thankful.  (A   Thanksgiving themed fic.)  General audiences, romantic relationship.

Bring Me Sunshine

It’s Steve’s birthday, and Tony wants to give him his first gift very early in the morning.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.

Seeing Stars

“I want you to ride me,” Steve said, his hand closing around his dick. He slid it up slow, pushing his foreskin up before circling his palm over the head, pulling it back down so that Tony got a view of his sweet, leaking tip, the copious precome welling up and spilling over.

Tony gives Steve a ride (and a few more things).  Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.

No Because, No Reason, No Explanation, No Solutions

He let his hands rest, warmly, on Steve’s shoulders, against his neck. “I just want you to fuck me, soldier,” he managed to get out, breathy. “I want you to fuck me, yes, in my ass, and not stop. Again and again, until it’s out of your system.”

Steve and Tony and a marathon sex encounter. That's it, that's the fic.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, kink, romantic relationship.


Tony Stark is on a business trip and misses his lover, Steve Rogers.   It's a good thing he packed one of Steve's sweatshirts to help out with that.   (It's warm, okay?)  General audiences, romantic relationship.

My Beloved Few

Written for Project Happy Stark: Bleeding Edge.  Tony and Steve have  gotten   together after the end of Civil War--even though Tony still can't quite believe it--and he wants to do something special.  Just because.  Teen audiences/PG-13, mentions of sex, romantic relationship.  Fic about food/cooking/eating.

Just Like This

“You are,” he murmured in Tony’s ear, “the sweetest, most generous, most wonderful boyfriend a man could ever have.”

Steve and Tony share Valentine's Day together, and Steve wants to make a point.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.

Running from Every Corner of This Earth and Sky

After a battle with the Avengers, Steve and Tony steal away for some alone time in Tony's workshop, and Steve likes the new version of the undersuit Tony's instituted.  A lot.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.

Bring Some Peace

Tony is tired, Steve is affectionate, and they spend some time together.  Pretty much pure relaxing fluff.  General audiences, romantic relationship.

The warmth of your cheek against mine

Steve's hurt.  Tony looks after him.  Established relationship.  Teen audiences/PG-13, romantic relationship, hurt/comfort.


Inspired by a conversation with pensversusswords instigated by this ask.  Steve and Tony share an intimate moment, and Steve indulges his preference for not just filling Tony up with his dick, but his come, too.  They both have a good time.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.

Whatever sorrow shakes from your heart

Steve gets hurt, and the team bands together to make him feel better.   Set in the early classic days of 616 canon, not long after Steve joined the  Avengers; written for Project Happy Steve.  General audiences, gen with some romantic hints, hurt/comfort.

I'll make you feel pure

Steve and Tony have been trying out some more unusual sexual activities in the dom/sub and BDSM realms, but they're still, ahem, working out the kinks.  They try again, with Tony subbing, and, well, it almost goes according to plan. With only a few hiccups.  Sub Tony, gentle dom Steve, lots of aftercare.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

I won't leave you falling

Tony doms for Steve, which involves some specially enhanced red rope, cock   rings, two vibrators, and a lot of orgasm control.  It works out. Bottom Steve, trembling and desperate to come, loving dom Tony, plenty of aftercare.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

At 4 AM

Tony has stayed up two nights in a row, and Steve starting to think he's going to have to take measures to get him to come to bed.  General audiences, romantic relationship.

As We Try to Sleep

Tony talks to Steve when he thinks he's asleep, confessing things he'd never say to him awake--but Steve sleeps lightly, and he listens.  General audiences, romantic relationship.

A Steady Wish

Set post-Fear Itself.  Steve tries to comfort Tony about having taken a drink as part of his deal with Odin, and the media firestorm he's facing now as a result of it, and show him that someone's got his back.   Teen audiences/PG-13, heavy themes (alcoholism).

Ten Romantic Valentine's Day Ideas for Busy People

Steve and Tony do their best to celebrate Valentine's Day together.  They're busy and it's not perfect, but it ends up surprisingly romantic all the same.  Mature, sexual content/themes, romantic relationship.

I too have been covered with thorns

When Steve Rogers is badly hurt, there's only so much that can be done for him aside from letting the serum do what it does best--but Tony  Stark does what he can.  Teen audiences/PG-13, romantic relationship.  Hurt/comfort.

We reveal ourselves when we are least like ourselves

There are times when Steve needs to be someone else, something outside    himself.  And at times like that, Tony is there to help.  He knows what Steve wants, and what he needs.  Pure dom/sub established relationship porn, taking into account Steve's flexibility and physical skills. Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

That For Destruction, Ice

Even after all this time, Steve still wakes up with nightmares about the ice.  Luckily, now Tony is there to help, however he can.  Teen audiences/PG-13, romantic relationship.  Emotional hurt/comfort.

In the sun

Steve wakes up in bed with Tony.  When he remembers why, he's in no hurry to   leave.  Teen audiences/PG-13, sensual/allusions to sexual content but nothing explicit, romantic relationship.

Let Yourself

Shortly after Tony gets Extremis, he and Steve end up stranded in the Savage   Land, with Extremis mysteriously not functioning and Tony barely functioning, either.  Established relationship, set early in the first New Avengers run.  This was inspired by a piece of art by Shaliara.  Teen audiences/PG-13, romantic relationship.  Hurt/comfort.

Love Is Like a Friendship Caught on Fire

It still takes Steve longer than he’s proud of to say it, and he finds himself unaccountably anxious.  He tries to think of the perfect time, the perfect moment-maybe on a date, when they’re alone together, but no, what if that ruins the moment, ruins the evening, they don’t get enough chances to go out together as it is-and not during sex, that seems  tawdry and cheap-and missions are clearly not the time or place.  Not in  front of the others.  Teen audiences/PG-13, romantic   relationship.  Established relationship.

They say it's hard to say you're sorry (and mean it)

A fic about a blowjob as an apology for what Steve doesn't remember, inspired by the most recent issue of New Avengers #3, Avengers #1, and Hickman's comment.  Spoilers for New Avengers #3 and recent Avengers issues; mildly dubious consent in that one character doesn't have the context the other does for what's happening (not that I think it would make much more sense to him then).  Explicit sexual content.

A Day Like Any Other

Marvel 616, Tony and Steve friendship fic meant to be compliant with the end of Bendis's run on Avengers.  Because the Avengers were so sleepy  in those issues, especially Tony, who spent at least one whole issue sleeping in a chair.  General audiences.  Gen.

Sometimes You Just Don't Need a Plan

Even a tactical expert doesn't plan for everything, and sometimes thinking too much about something just hurts you when it doesn't have to.   Teen  audiences/PG-13, romantic relationship.


There are a lot of things that Tony loves about Steve.  Too many to count.    Little things and big things, some things so small it makes him feel stupid just to think about them.  And yet, like an idiot, he still tries to count them sometimes, bring all of them to mind, remember them, so that he doesn’t forget, doesn’t take them for granted.  He’s always been too good at taking people for granted.  General audiences, romantic relationship.


Got You Under My Skin

“I’d be happy to show you a good time,” Tony said, smiling a little obscurely, Steve thought, as if to himself, but still with that warm, knowing look, affectionate and oddly fond, “any time you want.”

Steve Rogers goes to Tony Stark's birthday party. Things progress from there, with a lot of flirtiness leading to propositions, and propositions leading to, well, what comes next, and Steve isn't even sure what he wants after that.

Set in the Marvel Ultimate Universe, and written for the 2014 Cap_Ironman Reverse Big Bang. Art by wiredoll, here.

Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.

Like Sands Through the Hourglass

It’s a hard mission for the Ultimates.  Luckily, neither Steve nor Tony are as alone as they used to be.  Teen audiences/PG-13, some heavy themes (civilian deaths) but not dwelled on, romantic relationship.

The Survival of the Soul

Written   for Project Happy Stark: Ultimates. Steve died fighting  Galactus-but   now he’s back.  It’s just that Tony can’t quite bring  himself to believe it at first.  General audiences, mention of temporary character death, fix-it, romantic relationship.

For Sentimental Reasons

Ultimates Steve and Tony have hard lives--and they end up relaxing together.  It  turns into a habit.  Non-sexual submission with service top Steve and sub Tony.  Mature, non-sexual kink/submission, romantic relationship.



It was nice, floating, like this. Not being terrified, not worrying about it, even though the water of the pool was washing over his belly, soft and cool at the sides of his face, damp at his temples, at the edges of his closed eyes. “I’ve got you, Tony,” Steve muttered, and it was so sweet, so soft, in his ears, washing over him like the water of the pool lapping at his body, cool at his ears, tugging at his hair.

I wanted to write a fic about Steve and Tony having sex while Tony was floating in a pool. So I did.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.

All Day

“Better than good?” Steve asked, pleased, and nuzzled against Tony’s thigh, planted a kiss there. “Okay, mister,” he said, and looked up, to see Tony moving one hand up to his forehead, looking down at him questioningly. “How about you sit on my face?” Steve asked.

Just how long could Steve eat Tony out for? Oh, he could do this all day.   Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.

I'm Hot Sticky Sweet From My Head to My Feet

There's a costume party for the Avengers, and Steve and Tony are dared to wear  the Ironette Outfit and the old USO girl outfit, respectively.  They're both rather taken by the sight of their boyfriend in "their" themed outfit.  So afterwards, they take it upstairs and enjoy each other.  Established relationship crossdressing and outfit kink.  Explicit, explicit sexual relationship, kink, romantic relationship.

Wishful Thinking

Things have been building between Steve and Tony for a while, but after a battle where Tony is injured, they come to a head in an unexpected way.  Was originally envisioned as a post-credits scene for Age of Ultron, but probably won't end up fitting the movie well, so feel free to envision it differently.  Teen audiences/PG-13, kissing/some sensuality, romantic relationship.

Boss Man

Tony starts calling Steve "boss," and Steve has all sorts of feelings about  it.  It ends up coming up in bed.  The results open up some new areas in their sexual relationship, and maybe reveal a few things about Tony, and how he feels about Steve.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.


Tony always wants the lights out when they have sex, and Steve starts to wonder why.  Established relationship, mature, sexual content.

Whatever You Ask

Sometimes Steve just wants to let go.  Tony's perfectly willing to help with that.  The two of them try something Steve's been wanting for a while. Basically PWP with added feelings, established relationship. Explicit, explicit sexual content.

Let's Face It, This is Not the Worst Thing You've Caught Me Doing

Steve has never given anyone a blowjob before, but he's willing to give it a try. Steve/Tony, established relationship.  Explicit, explicit sexual content.

Till Human Voices Wake Us, and We Drown

Tony still has nightmares, and it drives him crazy, because he should be done with this, it should be over, but it's not, and he can't control how they make him feel.  Luckily, Steve understands a little bit about how that goes.  Established relationship, romantic relationship, teen audiences/PG-13, some graphic imagery.

Miles to Go (Before I Sleep)

Steve has trouble sleeping.  Tony comes to bed late.  All the little ups and downs of a relationship, how to negotiate the space between two people.  Established relationship.  General audiences, romantic relationship.

Marvel Adventures

In a New York Minute

Things change quickly in New York, but some corners of the city have missed the passage of time.  Steve Rogers misses the city he used to know, and Tony Stark thinks about change.  General audiences.

Steve/Tony Kinktober 2017

Please Please Me

Steve looked so beautiful flushed and wanting, on his knees, begging.

Written for Day Four of Kinktober: Begging.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

To Sweep the Will Away Entirely

“See,” Tony murmured in his ear, hand still stroking softly through his hair, “I know you like it. Love this, love me to call you names, to rub it  in.  Love to be humiliated, don’t you, sweetcheeks?”

Written for Day Five of Kinktober: Humiliation.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit  sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

If you aren't in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?

Steve sighed. “See?” he said, and his thumb rubbed gently against Tony’s belly and Tony had to struggle not to just melt all over again. “I should’ve known you’d be touchy about it. When I was a little guy I probably would have socked myself in my own mouth by now.”

Written for Day Six of Kinktober: Size Difference.  MCU.  Sexual content, romantic relationship.

A Beautiful Mess

Steve, though-sex with Steve was nothing like that. It was nothing like any of that. It was a new experience for Tony, in a lot of ways, not just the lack of protection, but-well, he’d never imagined how much more intense, how much more intimate, it would feel, not just because they didn’t use  condoms, but because of-because of everything.

Written for Day Seven of Kinktober: Creampie.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

When Your Beauty Struck Me

Tony always devoted himself to it wholeheartedly, like he couldn’t imagine anything better or more important than kneeling there, naked on the floor, with his mouth on Steve’s cock, giving him a suck.

Written for Day Eight of Kinktober: Deep-Throating.  Marvel 616.  Explicit,   explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

The Suggestion of Things Not Seen

“You said dress up,” Tony said, softly. “And I thought-the committee is going to be fucking awful, so … so why not have a little fun after, just the two of us? I wanted to do something I thought you would like.”

Written for Day Nine of Kinktober: Lingerie.  Marvel 616.  Mature, sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

29 Crazy-Romantic Creative Ways to Say 'I Love You'

“Okay,” Steve said then, and squeezed the back of his neck. “That’s enough for a warm up, I think, wouldn’t you say, Stark?” And Tony almost sobbed, because warm up, Christ, his ass was on fire, the whole thing twinging with pain that tugged on his chest every time he moved, every time he breathed, little lancing shivers of heat going down as far as his knees whenever something pulled on the sore skin.

Written as an extra Kinktober fic for Ults Day. This is an extra fic, but it does fulfill a prompt from Day One: Spanking.  Ults/Marvel 1610.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

Baby, You Can Drive My Car

“Nothing but the best for my best guy,” and this time, Steve’s groan was soft and shuddering and all about Tony calling him that old-fashioned phrase, it never failed to make him feel warm and, and soft, and cared for, the way Tony always managed to do so damn well, “this is the  Lamborghini of fucking machines, all right?

Written for Day Ten of Kinktober: Fucking Machine.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit  sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

Baby One More Time

“And your color now?” Tony said. He was moving around behind him, Steve thought, and then told himself to lay off. He didn’t need to analyze Tony’s every movement; this wasn’t a mission. He didn’t need to be Commander Rogers right now, wasn’t that the whole point?

Well, maybe he needed Tony’s help with that. Maybe that was the whole point.

“Green,” he breathed out into the covers over the bed.

Written for Day Eleven of Kinktober: Sadism/Masochism.  Marvel 616.  Explicit,   explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

Lay Your Head Where It Burns

“Maybe you could,” Steve said, then flushed, bit his lip. His lashes shuttered down over his eyes. “I mean,” he said. “You give the best  blowjobs, honestly, but. But maybe you could. With your, your hand.”

Written for Day Twelve of Kinktober: Hand-jobs. Set sometime prior to Avengers   Disassembled.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

Blushes Per Hour

Steve chewed on his bottom lip. “Well, no,” he said. “Um, but.” He was breathing heavily now, through his nose. “Rachel liked it when I did it, because she has, uh, she has sensitive breasts, and I, um, err. Sometimes I’d pull on my own nipples during, or, or after, on my own, and. And I’d imagine-wonder, really, if I was. If I had enough, or-”

“Are you saying you’ve fantasized about this?” Tony said, and he couldn’t help the pure delight that came through in his tone, because had he actually stumbled onto one of Steve’s kinks, here? He’d never let on at all before, not at all.

Written for Day Thirteen of Kinktober: Titfucking.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

To See Its Truth

“There’ll be time for me after this,” Tony told him. The heavy ache, the drag and  fullness and wet, was making his cock hard again, so that he could feel it bobbing under his shirt. The fabric felt sweaty, sticking to his back and chest and nipples. “I’ll probably only come once, after all.  Just let me make you feel good, champ.”

Written for Day Fourteen of Kinktober: Role Reversal.  Marvel 616.  Explicit,  explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

You're My Medicine

It was just that Steve liked harder kinks, and it seemed like the kind of thing that would appeal to the intense sensation play side of him, always pushing himself and looking for something to send him flying higher.  It wasn’t the same as a flogger stinging over his back, but it was more intimate, more invasive, Tony figured-the same intensity, but in a totally different way, and maybe … gentler, softer.  Something it would be easier for Tony to give him the way he wanted it, even the way he liked it.

Written for Day Fifteen of Kinktober: Sounding.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

Just Like a Candle

“You’re staying so still for me,” Steve murmured, and his fingers traced gently over the still warm, cooling wax on Tony’s back, and oh, oh, that made him shiver, the sensation somehow all the more vivid for being nearly cut off in places by the thick wax clinging to Tony’s skin. “And you’re reacting so nicely. That little quiver of your back when I let the wax hit your skin is so beautiful, Tony.”

Written for Day Sixteen of Kinktober: Wax Play.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

Fly Me Home

Steve grinned, bounced on the heels of his feet a little, still holding onto Tony. “So, when do I get to see your sweet face, mister?” he teased, and Tony found himself shaking his head at him, still smiling fondly.

He reached up, pulled the helmet off, and smiled at him. “Since you ask so nicely,” he said back in the same teasing tone, knowing affection was bleeding out into his voice all over and not caring.

Written for prompts from Days Seventeen and Eighteen of Kinktober: Costume and   Leather.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

All of Me

So he was going to do this, he was going to be indulgent and do this one more time, today, and he was going to think about Tony while he did it, and then he was-he was going to tell him, afterwards, because Tony would like knowing that, Steve knew he would, that Steve had needed to jack off to thinking about him.

Written for Day Eighteen of Kinktober: Masturbation.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

Body and Soul

“You’re going to make me really wait for this, aren’t you,” he laughed after a while, panting as Tony twisted his fingers gently on his nipple and made another wave of sensation arch through him.

“I don’t know, sweetheart,” Tony said, smiling himself. “Depends on how fast you can   come from what I’m doing, I guess.” He rubbed his thumbs up against the base of Steve’s nipples, the hard, red little nubs that felt very hot now, hot and prickling under each touch.

Written for Day Nineteen of Kinktober: Nipple Play.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit   sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

Ain't That a Kick in the Head

Tony shook his head, smiling up at him, and skimmed his fingers up over Steve’s knee on his other side, leaned up and kissed at the base of his knee again, looking up at him. “Shhh, champ,” he murmured, kissed him there again.

Written for Day Twenty (and Day Twenty-Five) of Kinktober: Feet/Boot Worship.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

Let Me Take You Higher

“Good,” Steve said, and squeezed him gently around the waist. “I guess we should see about having an actual shower, huh?”

“It might be a good idea,” Tony allowed, smiling a little. It felt loose and warm and wide on his face.

Written for Day Twenty-One of Kinktober: Shower/Bath.  Marvel 616.  Explicit,  explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.


“You do please me,” Tony protested. “Every day.”

Steve smiled at that, soft and genuine. “Well, good,” he said. “It’s a real pleasure to hear that, let me tell you. But I think tonight I’d feel best if I could make love to you, just had you lay back so I could make you feel better.”

Written for Day Twenty-Two of Kinktober: Scars.  Marvel 616.  Mature, sexual content, romantic relationship.

That Which We Call a Rose

“Right,” he said. “Don’t stop. I gotcha.” He leaned forward, his knee pushing Tony’s armor-covered leg out wider, bending his knee against the wall, and his hand came up, leather-covered palm pushing at the back of Tony’s neck, over the metal edge of the neckpiece, against the soft skin just under his hair, and squeezed, holding him down. “I’m going to make you take it, buster,” he murmured, and his voice, his breath, was soft against Tony’s skin, warm against his hair. “I’m going to hold you down, right here, Shellhead, and push into you, and have you. You want that, fella? You like that?”

Written for Day Twenty-Three of Kinktober: Against a Wall.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.

A Brighter Word Than Bright

“S’okay, Steve,” Tony finally remembered how to slur out. “Just … just feels like a lot.”

“It is a lot, sweetheart,” Steve murmured, his fingers delving even deeper into Tony. “You’re stretching open really nice for it, though. You’re real good and relaxed, aren’t you?”

Written for Day Twenty-Four of Kinktober: Fisting.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit  sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

A Laugh In It

“What?” he said, still laughing. “Debauched in my own workshop? Pantsless?”

“Happy,” Steve said, laughing a little himself. “Relaxed, Tony. Happy, like this, smiling at me, like that. Laughing. God, I love it.”

Written for Day Twenty-Five of Kinktober: Smiles/Laughter.  Marvel 616. Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.

Beauty Is Truth, Truth Beauty

Tony and Steve are determined to give Tony a prostate orgasm.  Steve has a plan.  Sequel of sorts to "A Brighter Word Than Bright."  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

In the Mood

Tony reached out, picked up his lipstick again, twisted it open, looking up at Steve through his thickly lacquered eyelashes as he did, then applied another thick coat over his already ruby-red lips, purposefully over-applying, then pressed them together the way he’d seen a girlfriend do it a thousand times and closed the lipstick, putting it back on the table on the other side of the mirror. Steve was watching him, breathless, his   mouth hanging open, and Tony could feel the hot hardness of his cock against his bottom through the little skirt and garter belt, throbbing and needy. “Can I do something for you, hot stuff?” he murmured. “Can I make you feel good?”

Written for Day Twenty-Six of Kinktober: Mirror Sex | Stockings/Tights/Pantyhose.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

How Much It May Storm

“Doing good?” Steve murmured, and Tony nodded, his head spinning, his body   throbbing, aching for something, needy and hot.  He ground his hips down against Steve’s fingers, looked up at him questioningly. “You want me inside?” Steve murmured. His fingers petted at Tony’s cheek gently, slid over the back of his neck, petting through his hair, and squeezed. “You  ready for that, mister?”

Written for Day Twenty-Seven of Kinktober: Orgasm Denial.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic relationship.

The Lining of Your Skin

“No, I,” Tony said quickly, his voice a little shaky and quick, “I want to. I want to, honey.”  He pushed his hands down, got his head up, looked up at Steve. “I want to,” he said again, and there was a pleading tone  in his voice, shaking a little, not quite like he was begging, but close, like he was scared Steve might back out, but, probably, didn’t  want to be too obvious about how much he was wanting  it.

Written for Day Twenty-Eight of Kinktober: Impact Play.  Marvel 616.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, BDSM/kink, romantic  relationship.

Alternate Universes

Hearts Shall Dance Once Again

Steve and Tony are the top two men’s figure skaters from the United States.  Steve is just starting a run at the top of his game, while Tony is trying to make a comeback after a disastrous season a few years ago. Teen audiences/PG-13 for some sensual elements and for mentions of  underage drinking.



Rummaging In Our Souls

Not long after Fear Itself, when Bucky has returned to the mantle of the Winter Soldier, Bucky and Natasha encounter a mysterious enemy from Natasha's past.  Natasha has to deal with this and the menace it presents to her life today, as well as the memories of the past it brings back up to the surface.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, heavy themes, romantic relationship.

For Saints Have Hands

Natasha often touches Bucky's face.  An exploration of this habit, through the   years--and what it means to both of them.  Teen audiences/PG-13, romantic relationship.


The Winter Soldier asks Natasha Romanova a question.  Teen audiences/PG-13,  heavy themes (brainwashing, depersonalization), romantic relationship.

On Ice

Even super-assassins can't be perfect at everything they do the first time.  Even with ballet practice.  Or: Bucky and Natasha practice ice-skating.  General audiences, romantic relationship.

Who Compels My Strength

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked, smiling as he pressed another kiss into the hollow of her shoulder, she could feel it against her skin, even as his hand skimmed up under her shirt, gentle against the curve of her spine until he found the clasp of her bra and unhooked it easily.

Natasha smiled a little more, burying it with a kiss in his hair as she curled her fingers firmly into the thick hair at the nape of his neck, gripping it tightly so that she could tug at it. “Don’t you dare,” she said.

Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.

To Create It Herself

Five times Natasha Romanova pegged guys in the Marvel universe--enjoy.    Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.



Concealed Carry

He knows how to keep a weapon in good repair.  Teen audiences/PG-13, heavy themes (brainwashing, depersonalization).



How to Throw Yourself at the Ground and Miss

Bucky is pining over his friend and partner Sam Wilson.  He just doesn't realize that Sam might be doing the same thing, and not making a move for other reasons.  Written for Sam/Bucky Week 2016.  Teen audiences/PG-13, kissing and sensual content, romantic relationship.

A lie that is half-truth is the darkest of all lies

Bucky attends his own funeral, and Sam thinks he's really dead.  Bucky has to preserve his cover, and they don't work it out.  Set after Fear Itself, at the very beginning of the Winter Soldier series.  General audiences, gen, presumed/fake character death.



When First We Practice to Deceive

Set not long after "Pale Little Spider."  Yelena has important questions for Natasha, questions that pertain to the both of them. And she's going to get her answers.  Teen audiences/PG-13, kissing and some allusions to sexual content.

Natasha/Matt Murdock


To Create It Herself

Five times Natasha Romanova pegged guys in the Marvel universe--enjoy.    Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.

Natasha/Clint Barton


To Create It Herself

Five times Natasha Romanova pegged guys in the Marvel universe--enjoy.    Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.



To Create It Herself

Five times Natasha Romanova pegged guys in the Marvel universe--enjoy.    Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic or friendly sexual relationship.



To Create It Herself

Five times Natasha Romanova pegged guys in the Marvel universe--enjoy.    Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic or friendly sexual relationship.

Steve/Bernie Rosenthal



Grapholagnia - The urge to stare at obscene pictures.  Steve Rogers and his   experiences with art.  Mature, sexual content/themes, romantic relationship.



By Risking, By Giving, By Losing

Tony decided that both he and Rhodey deserved a vacation in the Caribbean, but, you know, a vacation with Tony Stark isn’t just any vacation.  (Yes, it’s all porn, you’re right.)  Set during Iron Man vol. 1.  Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.

Tony Stark Is a Verb

In which Tony Stark is a nervous wreck and Jim Rhodes knows him too well for this shit.  Written for Valentine's Day.  General audiences, romantic relationship.

Layers, Cells, Constellations

“The sun isn’t coming up yet,” Tony said, “what are you even talking about? Late?”

Rhodey laughed.

“I was going to say,” Tony said, and took a deep breath, licked his dry lips, and leaned in. He put one hand on Rhodey’s chest, and then kissed him.

(Set during Stark Resilient, canon-compliant missing  scene.  But with more sex.)  Explicit, explicit sexual content, romantic relationship.


You Just Don't See It

Set during the plane scene in the first Iron Man movie, Tony and Rhodey get a little caught up in each other.  PG-13/teen and up audiences, sensual/sexual content.  Romantic.

Got Your Back

“Sorry, honeybear,” the voice says. “I’m T.O.N.Y., I run the suit.  I’m  an A.I., like J.A.R.V.I.S. only more fun-no offense to J.A.R.V.I.S., of course.  I’m supposed to help you out.  I guess Iron Man does have a sidekick now, huh?”

General audiences, gen.  Serious injury to major  character, allusions to character death or permanent incapacitating injury, ambiguous/open ending.



To A Thousand Pieces

The story is simple enough-Tony and Rumiko go on a Valentine’s Day date;    Tony’s late to start with, and Rumiko has something she wants to tell him.  Teen audiences/PG-13, romantic relationship.

No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear

Tony in the wake of Rumiko’s death struggles not to give into his emotions.   Pepper worries about him.  Tony/Rumiko, past Tony/Pepper, Marvel 616.   Title from C.S. Lewis, A Grief Observed.  Meant as a precursor to both Avengers Disassembled and Extremis.  Past romantic relationships, teen audiences/PG13, heavy themes, referenced canonical character death.

Tony/Whitney Frost


Thin Line

Tony wakes up in an unpleasant familiar situation--bound, bloody, and at the mercy of his enemies.  One of them who has a prior close connection to him proceeds to take advantage.  Rape/non-con.  Explicit, but not graphic.

Tony/Sunset Bain, Tony/Tiberius Stone, Sunset/Tony/Tiberius


How to Win Friends and Influence People

Tony Stark is barely eighteen years old, almost has his second masters degree, and is seeing Sunset Bain, who he privately thinks is the most amazing woman he's ever met.  Life is good, for a given value of good, and if you ignore a lot of little details (like how alone he feels sometimes but won't admit to).  He's been friends with Ty Stone for a long time--and when the two of them suggest they team up on Tony in a threesome, he finds it difficult to say no.  Warning for extremely    dubious consent, painful sex, and a lot of gaslighting, undercutting, and bullying.  Non-con, explicit, explicit sexual content, abusive romantic relationship(s).  Teenage (eighteen) viewpoint character.



When a Look's Not Just a Look

Mamihlapinatapei - The look between two people when each loves the other but is too afraid to make the first move.  Carol and Jessica spend a lot of time looking.  General audiences, romantic relationship.

Steve and Carol


Technically, I Outrank Him

Steve and Carol spend some time hanging out together because they can.  Just  pure domestic friendship fluff between two badass superhero buddies who have a lot in common.  General audiences.  Gen.

pairing: bucky/natasha, marvel movieverse, character: steve rogers, marvel comics, character: bucky barnes, fanfic, pairing: steve/tony, fic, writing, character: tony stark, index, character: natasha romanova

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