I decided it was about time that I got back on livejournal. Bit of a waste of a permanent account really... So: bringing my new hair colour! Well, colours really. Plum, violet, flame, peacock blue and cyclamen. Since my hair has been so damaged by our own hair dyeing, as well as all the hair modelling, I wasn't allowed to bleach, so I won't be going back to white & pink any time soon. Still, the current colours are pretty funky I think. Though I think the effect will be lost at work, since the lights tend to break all the time...
That's another new thing. I finally have a job. And all me and
koboshi_ichigo had to do to get them, was queue for GACKT. So I'm now bar staff & cloackroom girl at HMV Forum in Kentish Town - and during my induction I got to run around Gackt's dressing room and steal his notices. And if he comes to the same venue again next year, guess who gets to go deliver all the stuff they want? 8D So far I've only worked the Jayhawks, the Vaccines and Sister Sledge.
I'm so glad HMV Forum doesn't have that much in the bar, I'm having a hard enough time getting to grips with what they DO have. And every time I think I've mastered everything, someone gives me an order that I can't comprehend. And then there are all the people who are so very obviously not friendly before they even open their mouth, I get anxious enough about getting everything right, I really don't need extra attitude. Oh well, most people tend to be really nice.