This is going to be a rather short picspam, on account of.. well, I didn't have much to say about this episode except Colin is pretty even with mud / shit / any other disgusting substances on his face, Georgia King was hilarious, and not enough M/A moments / eyesex / UST in this episode. It had its moments, but. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your opinion), there won't be much of a snarky commentary this time. So just enjoy the random pretty!
Feel free to snag / NO HOTLINKING PLS / Credit for caps goes to ~
puchre (included in my resources post.)
- Merlin in white shirt.
- Arthur in white shirt.
- Elena's goofyness / clumsiness
- Arthur sporting his crown (I have a thing for this.)
- the M/A 'destiny' moment before the marriage ceremony
- Merlin's teasing and ending this sentence in a whisper - "You were riding so fast, I thought you were eager for some TIME ALONE."
- Gaius getting some ass hit on
- Morgana's hair
(so these aren't really highlights but, ahem.)