1) The black and purple bike screams through the streets of what had once been a decent sized urban center. It skids in a half circle, the rider drawing the blaster from her hip taking aim the way she had come from.
“Armor mode,” The words are mostly a mental focus for her as the bike under her does something a bike shouldn’t do, it seems to
reconfigure it’s self, parts of it wrapping around her legs, others over her arms and back leaving a few places of dark grey armor showing.
That’s when the being she was waiting for comes into view, the large
crab like creature moving in the middle of the street’s easily a two stories tall. She holds her ground. “Okay really, low on ammo and trying to take on an Invid on my own? What the fuck was I thinking? If it hadn’t taken out the music hall first I wouldn’t have jumped into this.” A few pot shots and she’s jumping back, trying to lure it into a denser area of ruined buildings so it doesn’t have as much maneuverability.
2) The blond’s sitting on the floor in the garage, her bike in front of her; she’s carefully removing damaged panels hoping she can repair them. It’s clear with the damage on the bike that it’s been through a few tough spots, though it’s still in working order which is fine with her.
She thinks she’s alone so is singing softly to herself,
Motorcycle's in the parking lot
Revving their engines and it just wont stop
Matches the noise screaming in my head
Houston I think we got a problem”
3) The blond’s now walking through the halls of the Chalice in her armor; her guitar’s strapped against her back over a faded black leather jacket. Her white hair’s spiked up out of the way tips of it bright red. “Okay really, I can handle a military base, but being on a ship this size…” She mumbles to herself frustrated that she got herself lost. “Way to make a first impression there Mir.”