Mar 01, 2006 11:17
2007 Federal Budget Proposals
President Bush has sent his new budget to Congress. It contains a number of cuts in programs to older adults.
Social Security
The president proposed a plan to privatize Social Security. The plan would divert $712 billion from Social Security's Trust Fund into private accounts. It also cuts $6.3 billion in benefits for children of deceased, disabled or retired workers; public sector workers; and disabled persons as well as the death benefit.
Older Americans Act (OAA)
The Bush budget proposes $76 million in cuts to the Older Americans Act mainly by eliminating preventive health services and Alzheimer's disease demonstration grants, and reducing funding for most of the other major programs in the Act.
Medicare & Medicaid
The proposed budget cuts Medicare by $105 billion over 10 years, imposing significant cuts in payments to hospitals and other health care providers while raising premiums for higher income beneficiaries. Medicaid is targeted to lose $12.2 billion over the same period.
Social Services Block Grant (SSBG)
The President's proposal cuts SSBG by $500 million. SSBG includes help for older adults through home care, protective services to prevent neglect and abuse, congregate and home-delivered meals, adult day care, and transportation.
Senior Volunteer Programs
The Bush budget freezes spending for the programs of the Senior Corps.
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG)
The Bush budget eliminates the CSBG, which, among other things, provides important senior center and nutrition services to older Americans.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Energy costs are estimated to be 30 to 50% higher than last year. The Bush budget proposes a funding level of $2.032 billion, much less than the $5.1 billion Congress authorized for LIHEAP in the Energy Policy Act of 2005.
Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program The Bush budget cuts Section 202 Housing for the Elderly by $196 million from the FY 2006 funding level.
Legal Services Corporation (LSC)
The President proposes to reduce funding for the Legal Services Corporation, which serves low-income older Americans, by more than 5 percent.