SUCESS @ Fanime 2010

May 31, 2010 23:34

 Completed goal #2
EEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKK! Got Poster of LM.C signed By Maya and Aiji. I got to touch them. I shook both of their hands. No hug though we weren't allowed. But we were aloud to hug DENKI-MAN. Which I thought was cool.Waiting from 9 am to 1:00pm  was one of the first to get my poster signed.When I brought my poster for them to sign Maya said Suge which I know meant wow. I'm glad Maya liked my poster. Aiji though had no emotion we was soo serious. I heard one of this girl say something hilarious to Aiji though. Okay so at the concert yesterday Aiji threw his guitar pics.T.T didn't catch one. This one girl gave Aiji the gutair pic she caught. Of course Aiji said wow. And then she said yeah you threw it at my boob. I was like laughing in my head. Aiji had such a blank expression on his face when she said that. After I got it signed Marlana and me were fan girling in the middle of the line which was outside(Note: It was a very long line so some people were outside waiting).Everyone was like laughing ,but in a good why. Most of the girls fangirled after they go it it signed.A good way to end a convention. Can't wait to go next year. I wanted to take Aiji home though.T.T

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