Sorry, Wrong Number...(OneShot)

Oct 23, 2017 03:35

Hi everyone, are you still alive? LoL...*SLAP!*

How Long it's been since I last updated here?? 7 months! Uwaah~

I Told You I Am Active In Wattpad...U__U

I just thought that I will post this fic here to see if anyone use LJ to read my fics or not, and tell me if you want me to post here or not, but hey.....C.O.M.M.E.N.T!....Or I Won't Update Here Anymore!!....>__>

So! Here is TaDaiki Fic....


Title: Sorry, Wrong Number....

Pairing: TaDaiki....

Genre: Fluff....

A/N: Daiki as a Girl...

Summary: Yuya will call a wrong number but....

"Yuya,  did you call Matsunaga-san yet?? ".

"No sir,  no one give me his phone number".

"Here, this is it, if I can remember clearly, he quit a long ago and he have some of the company documents that we need,  tell him to give it back to us soon".

"Yes sir".

Takaki Yuya,  a police officer in one of well-knowing police stations in Tokyo,  he start working only three months ago and he is doing very well at work. He finish his work and return to his apartment....

"Oh!  I Almost Forgot To Call Matsunaga-san!". He take out his phone and dialed the  number his boss gave him.

*Toot Toot* *Toot Toot*

"No one is----".

"Y-Yes??". Yuya frown when he heard a girl voice and look at his phone before he put it again near his phone.

"Is this Matsunaga Ken-san's phone??". He asked.


"Sorry,  maybe it's wrong number".

"N-Never mind". The girl said and hung up the line,  Yuya look at his phone and tilt his head.

"Why is she crying?.....Oh well".

He shrugged and place his phone away and went to take a bath and prepare himself to sleep. In the next day at work,  Yuya tried to call Matsunaga again but no answer,  so he waited for a few hours until he call him again and this time it's picked.


"Is this Matsunaga Ken-san's phone? ".

"N-No".  Yuya blinked his eyes when he remember the voice.

".....You are from yesterday".

"I.... I don't know you". The girl said and Yuya sighed.

"Sorry,  it's wrong number". Then he hung up,  he look at his phone and sighed.

".....Crying again". He continue his work and his boss come to him.

"Did you call Matsunaga yet?".

"Ah.... About that, I think you gave me the wrong number sir".

"Really??  Wait". He went to take his phone and call his friend to give him Matsunaga's phone number correctly.

"This is it, sorry about that".

"It's ok sir,  I will call him now to check".Yuya dialled the phone number on his phone and call the number.


"Is this Matsunaga Ken-san's phone??".

"Yes? Who is with me??".

Yuya look at his boss and give him an OK sign. After dealing with Matsunaga and take the files in the same day, Yuya return to his apartment and take a quick bath, he sit on his bed thinking of the girl who was crying, he take his phone out and call her number.

*TooT* *TooT* *TooT* *TooT*

"It's 12 now,  is she asleep?". He ask himself but before he hung up the line picked up.


"Ah!  Sorry to call you this late, but.... I want to ask you are you ok?". He said and heard a sniff sound before the girl talk again.

"T-This is not your business".

"I know but... If you need help or a company I will listen to you and help you if you want". He said but the line hung up on his face,  he sighed and throw it on the bed.

"What's wrong with her anyway?". He said before he lay on his bed to sleep.


In the next day morning,  he wake up and look at his phone, he frowned and sit properly on the bed to see the miss call number clearly.

"She called me??". He asked with a frown and called back immediately.


"Good morning,  did you call me??".

".....You didn't answer".

"Sorry,  I was asleep since it was 3am,  how are you today??". He asked slowly and waited for the answer.

"Fine.... I hope". Yuya sighed when he heard her soft voice.

"I know that it's hard for you to open up to someone just from a unknown number,  but I promise you that I will never hurt you and do something against your will,  I want to help you, I am a police officer". He said and he heard a soft sniffs and waited for her answer.

"Take your time,  I will be with you". He said softly to calm her and make her feel safe.

"C-Can we met then?". She said finally and Yuya nodded.

"Sure,  anytime and any place you want,  I am free today". He said and she told him the place and the time before she hung up.

"I feel like I need to do something for her".

He said as he rushed to take a bath and change his clothes.The meeting were one hour after the call in a restart near the area where Yuya live,  he waited and take his phone out to call her.


"I arrived and waiting for you".

"R-Raise your hand". She said and Yuya did what she told him to do.


She hung up and he pouted but waited in his place. Not that long a girl stopped in front of him and he look up at her,  he stand up when he saw her and drown in her beauty, the only thing was weird is her eyes,  they were so red and still got tears on them.

"H-Hi". She said lowering her head down.

"Yes Hi!  I'm Takaki Yuya,  nice to meet you". Yuya greet her and she sit in front of him.

"A-Arioka Daiki,  nice to meet you". She said slowly, Yuya sit and push the glass of water in front of her,  she thanks him and drink slowly,  Yuya can see her hand is shaking and she look around like she is looking for something.

"Is everything ok Arioka-san??". Yuya asked her and she look at him.

"Y-Yes....E-Everything is Fine". She said but it's clear for Yuya she is not fine.

"Let's  change the place". He said and stand up.


"No But,  let's go,  I know a good place".

He said and she look down before she stand up and follow him. Yuya choose a restaurant with a private room so they can talk freely without distribution. Yuya sit but Daiki didn't,  he look at her and sighed, he take out his wallet and open it to show her his police sign.

"I promised that I won't hurt you, I come her because you look uncomfortable with the people around you, right??".


"If you have something else and want to talk about,  please do,  I will help you". Yuya said with a smile and Daiki finally sit in front of him.

"O-Ok,  I.... I will talk". She said with her teary eyes.

Yuya didn't take his eyes from hers,  he kept thinking why she is crying?  Why is her eyes always teary?  Although they are pretty and she herself are pretty, she also so pale.

"I.... I don't have anyone left from my family,  they....they passed away last week in car accident,  I was...I just was asleep at home and didn't want to go with them,  I heard the news from the police only,  after that, few days after the accident.... Some people come to my house and break everything,  th-they said that my dad have a lot of debts and need to pay them,  I... I don't know how to pay them,  I-I'm still a university student who didn't get a part time job,  I was relying on my father only,  and now that.... He is gone.... I-I don't have anything, no one from my family wants to help me, I....I don't know what to do". She said as she start crying.

"Those people come to you everyday??". Yuya asked and she nodded.

"They come this morning too,  I-I can't sleep because of them,  they suddenly enter like that and break things and shout at me,  I never rest".

"Why did you call me at 3am??". He asked and Daiki wiped her tears.

"I-I wanted to... Call my dad,  but.... Sorry,  It was a wrong number".

"But in your heart you were thinking of calling me right??". He said and she nodded slowly.

Yuya feel all sad and pity on her,  he stand up and sit next to her,  he give her a tissue and she accept it.

"Can I...Hug you?".

She said and Yuya was surprised by that,  he wanted to do that but he take it back since he though that she will hate it, but since she is the one who ask it then it's ok,  she doesn't have someone to hug anyway,  she need someone next to her now.


He said as he open his arms for her, she slowly slide closer and put her head on his chest and circle her arms around his waist,  Yuya put his arms on her back slowly and pat it gently,  Daiki start crying again but this time louder,  Yuya let her release everything in her heart.

After calming down, Yuya look at Daiki who was asleep on his lap,  he ordered from the restaurant and take the food with him, while Daiki between his arms,  he carry her to his house to rest since he doesn't know where she live yet,  but in his mind,  he doesn't want her to return home,  after what he heard from her,  it's not safe for her to be at home. He open his apartment door and place the food on the table and walk to his room,  before he place her on his bed, and because he didn't put the food correctly, some of the food on the table fall on the ground, hearing the sounds make Daiki wake up shivering and gasping as she cry, Yuya hugged her and pat her head gently.

"Everything is ok nothing bad happened,  you are ok".

He kept whispering her ears until she calm down and sleep again,  but when he lay her on the bed she didn't let go of his clothes, he tried to take it away but Daiki hold him again,  he sighed and lay next to her,  when he lay next to her Daiki attack him with a hug and call her father,  he sighed and let her do what she want,  but trying to make a space between their legs because the situation will be bad if he didn't control himself. She is the first girl who got his attention like this,  he fall for her in the first sight and liked her rounded big eyes,  but hearing her story make him acting carefully in front of her so she won't be afraid of him. He shake his head to get out the weird thoughts and cover themselves with the blanket.

"Rest well". He said and kiss her hair slowly. It's still morning but because he wake up early he still feel sleepy so he close his eyes and sleep.


At noon, Yuya woke up and look at Daiki who was still asleep, she seems so tired and will not wake up yet,  so he just get away from her and walk outside slowly,  he close the door and go to the kitchen to take the food that he bought in the morning and prepare it,  when he finish he went to his room and open the door slowly,  she is still asleep of course,  he walk closer and sit on the bed.

"Arioka-san,  wake up,  you need to eat something". He said softly but she didn't respond,  he touch her hair slowly and caress it.

"Arioka-san....". He call her and she groaned before opening her eyes and sit on the bed.

"Eat something then you can continue sleeping". He said and Daiki look at him blankly before she frowned.

"I-I'M SO SORRY!!  EEH!!  WHERE AM I?!!  OMG I JUST SLEEP LIKE THAT!!  I'M SO SORRY!!". She get down from the bed panicky and bowed deeply to him.

"No it's ok,  I wanted to bring you here,  it's not safe to be at your house, right? So please stay here,  we can go to bring your stuff from your----".

"N-No!  I Can't Do That! I Can't Be a Burden To You!  You Are a Stranger Too! I-I'm Sorry For Sleeping On Your Bed!!". Daiki said as she keep bowing her head,  Yuya sighed and stand in front of her.

"Let me ask you one thing,  Did you sleep well??". He asked and Daiki look at him.

"I....Y-Yes". She said nervously and Yuya smile.

"That's great,  as for me being a stranger I did promise you that I won't do anything bad for you,  I just wish for your safety". Yuya said softly with a smile and Daiki look at him.


"No buts,  I will do something about it,  you just have to eat and sleep here until you recover, ne?? Now let's eat before the food get cold".He said as he walk outside the room,  Daiki sighed as she rub her neck nervously but walk outside following him.

They eat together silently and Yuya just look at her while putting some vegetables on her plate and she eat it, Yuya smile to her and she blushed.

"Make yourself at home, nothing bad will happens". He said and she look at him and nodded. They finish eating and walk to Daiki's house to take some stuff.

"T-This is my house". She said and Yuya look up blankly at the big house in front of him.

"WoW!  This is....A Mansion!". He said as she open the door.

"D-Don't say that,  it's only a big house for a big family". She said and enter the house but stopped when she heard a loud crash sounds from the house.

"Th-They are here.... ". She said as she stepped back and Yuya hold her shoulders from behind when she dump him.

"Hide somewhere, I will deal with them".

She hide behind the trees and Yuya take a deep breath before he enter the house, after a minute the men rushed outside and leave the house,  Daiki get out from her place and Yuya open the door with a smile.

"It's all clear now". She enter her house and see the place is so in a mess,  she saw her family pictures crashed on the floor and Yuya take one to look at it.

"It's indeed a big family". He said and Daiki's tears fall.

"But they.... All gone".

"Not all,  you are here". He said as he point at her picture.

"You are here,  so they will not gone, they are still existing in you". He said and Daiki take the picture and look at her family.

"They are.... Still in me". She said with a smile and wipe her tears.

"Thank you Taka----".

"Yuya,  you can call me Yuya".  He said and she nodded slowly.

"Y-Yu...Ya,  Thank you". She thanks him and they start taking the important things to Yuya's place,  he suddenly get an idea.

"I will stay in your house while you stay here". Daiki blanked her eyes and shake her eyes.

"N-No!  This is Your Place! And I Will----".

"What if the bad guys return?". Daiki stayed quiet.

"I know how to get ruin of them so I will be fine,  but you will not, I will let you stay here,  it safer and no one will know you, don't worry about it,  I will come here after dealing with them soon,  after that...... ". He said and Daiki tilt her head.

"After that....What?". She asked and Yuya smile.

"After that I will find a solution". He said and Daiki look down and nodded slowly.

He stay with Daiki for the day before he take his important stuff for work and leave his apartment to Daiki's house to stay there for the night.At night he heard sounds making him waking up to look at the time,  it was 3 in the morning, when he get down to see that is the problem he saw a few men breaking the things,  he sighed and take a deep breath.

"What are you guys doing??". He asked calmly while walking downstairs.

"Who Are You???". A man asked firmly and Yuya fix a chair and sit on it.

"I Asked First, what are you doing??". He said still calm.

"We Do What We Want Here!  This is Not Your Business!". The man shout and Yuya take out his phone and gasp.

"What??". The men shout and Yuya show him the phone.

"Sorry,  I was calling my dad but I accidentally call the police". He said and make the men angry.


"OH!  Yes!..... Yes I am,.....There is Strange men in my house breaking the things,  they always come here and steal the house,  please can you arrest them fast?.... Sure I will.... Wait.....". He take out a small paper he prepare hours ago before he sleep.

"Street 4 house number 21....Yes it is,....Thank you". He hung up his phone and stand up.

"They will come after few minutes,  can we talk until then?". He said but the men start leaving in a hurry, but Yuya stand in front of them and block the door.

"You Better Stay in Your Place". He took out a gun and a wallet, he open it and they frown when they say a police sign.

"Sit. Down". Yuya said coldly and they sit in their places.

A few minutes later the police arrived and take them. He sighed and return to see his phone,  he take it and frown to see more than 5 miss calls from a unknown number.

"Oh!  It's from Daiki". He call her and she answered.

"Yuya! Are You Ok?!!". She asked worriedly and Yuya smile.

"I'm fine don't worry about me,  why aren't you asleep??".

"I....I was worried....About you". She said slowly but Yuya hear her and smile.

"Thank you,  I am fine".They stay silent for few minutes before Yuya break it.

"Daiki.... ".


"......Would You Marry Me?".


"I'm serious,  think about it and tell me tomorrow after I return from work, go to sleep now, see you tomorrow,  Oyasumi". He said and hung up before hearing her reply,  she was stunned by that and didn't know what to say to him.


On the next day, Yuya tried to finish his works and leave early to meet Daiki, he leave the office without telling his boss,  he told him before though. He arrived to his apartment and take a deep breath before he open the door and enter.

"Tadaima~". He said loudly and Daiki walk to him shyly.

"O-Okaire". Yuya smile to her and walk closer to her and stand in front of her.

"How are you today??". He asked and she nodded.


"Have you think about what I said??". He asked and she nodded again.

"Y-Yes, wait". She walk to the room and bring her phone, and stand in front of him again,  she dialed a number and put her phone on her ear, Yuya take out his phone when it ring and saw a unknown number but he answer.

"Takaki Yuya is speaking". He said with a smile and Daiki look at him shyly.

"My new number, and....I-I do, please take care of me". She said and Yuya hung up and hug her.

"Thank you.... Daiki". She hug him back and smile.

"No,  Thank you, but.....Are you really ok with me??".

"Of course I am". Suddenly Yuya's phone ring and he look at it,  it was a unknown number again but he answer it.


"Yuyan~ How Are You Darling~ I Was Searching For You-----".

"Sorry, Wrong Number". Yuya was stunned because Daiki suddenly took his phone and close it,  she look at him with a pout.

"No Unknowing Numbers Anymore!!". She said and Yuya smile and take her hand and kiss the back of it.

"As my princess wish~".


tadaiki, oneshot

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