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chime April 29 2003, 17:23:08 UTC
I'm agnostic-leaning-towards-athiest too, myself. I like to think that, on the off chance there is a god, and that s/he has criteria for whether one gets into a heaven or not, that the criteria would be based on something significant and real-world-affecting like whether you're nice and helpful to people, and not based on something silly like whether you believe without proof that s/he exists. The former, at least, will be helpful to overall utility in the physical world, even if there is no god.

"I'm not going to prove I exist, but you'd better believe it, or it's curtains for you!" ...not something a good deity would say. 'Course, the Judeo-Christian god--at least, the one in the old testamant--is not a good deity. You can tell that from the Tower of Babel story.

[Man] God's so cool, we wanna be close to Him! Let's build this tower in His honor!
[God] What the.. Man is getting uppity! Look at what they think they can do! Just showing off! Better not let 'em get away with it, their egos'll get too big. Angels, go destroy it!
[Angels] Yessir, boss!
[God] Oh, and also, I'm going to mangle all their languages just to make sure it'll be really hard for them to advance that far again.
[Man] Sou ka...

Oh yeah, and also there's Lot's story. What good deity would ruin a man's life just because he made a bet with the devil? I mean, gambling's an acceptable vice in moderation, but that's going too far, dude. :|


aggiekev April 29 2003, 19:14:27 UTC

I like those examples.


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