Have I never been in love?

Nov 25, 2008 23:16

I have been questioning my believes in everything these past few days...
My best friend and his boyfriend took some time off, I told him (yes him! He's gay) I though the whole "Let's take a break" thingy was bull, but he ended up doing it anyways.
And so the ex boyfriend apeared out of nowhere with a new man in his life.
And of course my friend freaked out hehehe.
I'm not mocking him or anything is just that it was so predictable, that I already saw it coming from a long time ago.
And so these past few days my freind has gone crazy text messanging him and calling him and leaving cutesy notes on his blog and stupid shit like that...
Now, I'm a woman, and though I'm not quite sure myself of ti, I think is expected of us, the female gender to do and like all that romantic bullshit; my mom woudl tell that whne you fall in love all the things you thought stupid and overly ridiculous, you suddendly find yourself doing them and actually liking the feeling... however I've never felt that way...
 I never found it odd, but now as my best friend id oing all the shit he can think of to recover his lover I just... I don't know, I just never felt that way ever in my life, is like... Like I've never been in love...
And I spend a lot of time writing about feelings that just now I came to understand I don't really understand... maybe that's why my fics aren't that good, because I never really experienced it in the first time...
How do you do it? How do you fall in love? Do you decide it or it jus comes naturally to you?
I dont know... I guess I'll try to figure out...
On teh mean time... I'm sad I guess, a little... only  a little. And as I hear ben Harper's Forever song I wonder if I'll ever feel that magic ridiculous way people feel when they fall in love...

wondering, forever, love

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