The Cascade Effect
Rating: R(Will Go Up to NC-17)
Summary: One Event, One Minor change in the way something happens can change a lot of events in the future.
Disclaimer: I don’t own so no sense suing.
Chapter Thirteen
The next day at work was rather boring until a normal case came in. It was one of their easiest cases so far, including when it was just Tony and Gibbs. It all boiled down to a Chief Petty Officer having an affair with another man. The CPO’s wife had found out about the affair and stabbed the civilian that her husband was seeing. Fortunately he hadn’t actually died like she’d thought. Unfortunately it meant it was only Attempted Murder so she would probably get out sooner. It also meant that there could be problems when she did get out but hopefully it wouldn’t be for a while. Thankfully the man’s two children were at school but any case that involved children was always hard on the team; Gibbs especially.
Once the reports had been finished and everyone had headed home Tony decided to swing by Gibbs’ house, knowing the older man he’d be in his basement working on the boat. When Tony got to Gibbs’ place he walked right in, knowing that his door was always open. He headed straight for the basement and sat down on the bottom steps watching as Gibbs and Kelly worked on the boat. Eventually they began to talk about anything that came to mind, Gibbs pouring each of them some bourbon as they did so. Somehow Kelly ended up convincing her dad to let Tony help with the boat and Tony to actually help. Only She wasn’t tall enough to show Tony what to do. It ended uo being Gibbs standing behind Tony and showing him how to sand the boat and check for the correct smoothness. Neither man noticed Kelly small smile of triumph at getting them closer than they would normally get.
Apparently both Tony and Gibbs had drank more than normal, thankfully they had both worked with Hangover’s before. Before the three of them had called it a night they had all been laughing like crazy over one thing or another; pften times at Tony or Kelly’s expense. Gibbs would tell Tony of some of the things that Kelly had done when she was younger and Tony in turn, would tell the two Gibbs’ of some of his more memorable cases or days in College. Both Gibbs’ had decided that Tony wouldn’t be driving home and so he ended up crashing on the couch since he didn’t feel like trying to climb two sets of stairs to the guest room.
The next morning Tony woke up with a raging headache and in need of some Tylenol. Kelly had already left because she had an early class but Gibbs was there. When Tony showed up in his kitchen he pointed to the table that held two pills and a glass of water. Tony downed the pills and water gratefully. He took a quick look at his boss and knew it would be a rare sight, Gibbs obviously suffering from a hangover.
“How ‘bout we never let Kelly pour drinks for us ever again?” Tony mumbled as Gibbs handed him a mug filled with coffee and pointed to the counter that had milk and sugar out for him. Gibbs grunted in agreement. How he’d ever let Kelly talk him into letting her pour the drinks he would never know. She had kept them flowing long after he normally would have stopped. Once they’d both been properly caffeinated and Tony had made use of the bathroom and changed into the clothes he kept in his go bag they headed to work. It would end up being a long day.
Thankfully they hadn’t caught a case so were able to actually leave on time for once. Tony headed home to crash on his couch with a movie and pizza. While Gibbs headed home to work on the boat before Kelly came home; she had decided that staying on Campus would be too much of a hassle so she’d stayed living with Gibbs. She may have gotten a lot of flack for it but she was able to save more money than other students who had parents living in the area and had moved out once they hit 18. They had bills and rent, all Kelly had was a car payment, car insurance registration, inspection and maintenance to deal with.* She had offered to pay some form of rent, but her dad had nixed that thought pretty quickly. She did pay for the internet though because she often needed it for research.
Tony had headed to bed but was tossing and turning. He kept replaying the night before at Gibbs’ over and over in his head. He groaned as he remembered the heat of the other man’s body pressed up behind his as he was shown how to sand the boat. He knew he had it bad for his boss, he also knew that only Kelly knew he was Bi. Groaning he rolled over onto his back and let one of his favourite fantasies play out in his brain. He reached down and grasped his already aching cock and slowly began to stroke himself, imagining it was Gibbs’ hands on his body. He ran his thumb up over the head of his cock, smearing the precum that had gathered there.
As he continued to stroke himself he reached with his other hand and managed to fumble open the drawer on his nightstand. Reaching in he grabbed the bottle of lube and popped it open with one hand, drizzling the scented lube over his hand and cock, easing the friction and enhancing his pleasure. He felt the cold lube begin to warm and trickle down onto his balls. He re-capped the lube and began toying with a nipple. He pinched it, gasping as it sent a shockwave of pleasure zinging along his spine to his groin.
He trailed his hand down past his cock and began to stroke and fondle his balls as he released his dick. He trailed his other hand down and managed to twist enough that he could slowly work a finger into his body. He gasped at the sensation. He didn’t do this often enough to be used to the feeling of invading digits. He managed to strike his prostate a few times before it became too much of a strain and he removed his fingers from his body.
He trailed his hands back up his body and pinched and twisted his nipples, trailing a hand back down and stroking his leaking cock. He continued to stroke himself, imagining it was Gibbs’ hand stroking his cock, Gibbs’ hand teasing his nipples. He began to tremble from the strain of holding back, before finally he came with a muffled shout.
Tony lay panting on his bed, skin glistening with sweat and come. He managed to reach over and snag a tissue to clean up the worst of the mess on his stomach and chest before bringing his hand up and licking a few stray drops off his fingers before tossing the used tissues into the wastebasket and collapsing back onto the bed. He snagged the cover from its tangled position around his left leg and pulled it over himself and falling asleep. Unbeknownst to him Gibbs had just finished jacking off to a fantasy of Tony as well. Neither man had any idea that they both wanted the same thing.
A few days later and they caught an interesting case. A body was found frozen in a pond at Rock Creek Park. While they were searching the iced over pond they spotted three more bodies, bringing the total body count to four. Three of those bodies were gang members; part of the Manassas chapter of LVM. Tony took it upon himself to stay overnight at Rock Creek Park the night after they caught the case to oversee the draining of the pond and he collected three guns. When he brought them back to NCIS and showed them to Gibbs. As Gibbs went to leave he looked at Tony’s slightly pouty look.
“You expecting an 'Atta Boy'?” he asked him. If Tony ever found out what that pouty look did to him he would use it every chance he got.
“I thought it would be nice”
Gibbs walked back to Tony and stroked the back of his head, ruffling the hair there. ‘Soft’ he thought before saying, “Atta Boy.” and heading out with Ziva and McGee. Tony smiled and rubbed his head where Gibbs had stroked him. Gibbs had unknowingly given Tony more fuel for his fantasies.
They had cracked the case even if it had taken them four days to do it, unfortunately no jury would convict Cesar Bernal on what they had. Gibbs had sweet talked the director into a plan that would get Cesar off the streets and allow their Marines to come home without fear of reprisals.
Tony and McGee were arguing about who would go into interrogation first when Kate took it into her own hands to try and sweet talk Cesar into confessing. Ziva went next and had to plnt her botted foot against Cesar’s croth because of his rudeness. McGee followed then Tony, who just sat across from him and played tetris on his phone. Gibbs came in while he was listening to his MP3 player and took Cesar home. He knew that his fellow gangsters would take care of Cesar for him after what he had shown them.
Their next case as one of espionage. Someone was stealing secrets from the pentagon and NCIS had been questioning those in the department where the information was being stolen from. At first glance it looked like suicide, but after further examination it was found to be murder. Ducky had had to bring his mother to work because her nurse had taken off that morning. It meant that Mrs. Mallard ended up running around the building and after attempting to get into MTAC flirting with Gibbs. Thankfully Kelly would not hear about that. They solved the case after thinking it was a foreign diplomat when it turned out to be the man in charge of the murdered woman’s unit.
Their next big case came a few days later. There was a bloodbath at a hotel that was used by naval personnel and their visiting families. Tony, Ziva and Kate were in the room when Ziva noticed a piece of paper and asked a question.
“Red Rum?”
“All we’re missing is a kid on a big wheel and a man in a bear suit.” Tony said, Kate smirked knowing it had to be a movie reference.
“And in your head, that made sense to you?” Ziva asked.
“Yeah. It’s the Shining, Ziva.” Tony told her, noticing Kate’s look. It seems even Kate had seen that movie.
Unfortunately it wasn’t very long later that Abby and McGee were in her lab while she was testing some cocaine found at the scene and she smelled almonds. Cyanide Gas; someone was trying to kill Abby. Gibbs and Director Sheppard were down talking with the HAZMAT unit that had been called in to clear Abby’s lab when Tony showed up.
“How did this happen?” Director Sheppard asked, looking at Gibbs.
“Abby said the coke was bad. It contained Potassium Cyanide which turned gaseous when she added the… uh the acidified Cobalt Thyocyanate from her drug test kit.” Tony told them, fumbling over the name of the chemical.
“So this was an accident?” Jenny said questioningly.
“Abby doesn’t have accidents.” Gibbs told her.
“Well Abby also doesn’t have enemies. It’s not like we’re talking about Agent DiNozzo.”
“Hey… Ma’am.” Tony said, affronted.
“The crime scene was a set-up, Director.
“And right now Abby’s our best lead. While she and McGee were playing in the showers, Kate and I took a walk through the world of Sciuto. Our Mistress of the Dark is keeping Secrets from us.” Tony told Gibbs as he handed him a file about Abby.
It turned out that Abby had taken out a restraining order on an ex-boyfriend. She hadn’t told Gibbs or Tony about her stalker. Gibbs, Tony, Ziva and Kate headed to Mawher’s place of employment to see if they could tie him to the incident in the lab.
When they pulled up they could hear music playing.
“Free decomposition odor removal included on all double homicides.” Ziva said, reading the line from the van as they passed.
“I can see why she fell for this guy. They even have the same taste in music.” Tony said as they walked towards the slightly ajar door.
Body of a monkey and the feet of a cock.
Dragged from her home on the killing rock.
Black dog dying on the weather vane,
The Devil's in a cat and the baby's brain,
The End, the End of the American,
The End, the End of the American,
The End, the End of the American,
The End, the End of the American Witch,**
Hey! You ruined my shot!” the guy said after they stormed in guns draw after seeing what looking like a double murder.
“I take that back, not bad.” Mawher said, before going on about what he was doing.
Gibbs told him that he was lucky he was still walking, because he’d only found out about him just that day. After getting the man’s alibi they headed back to NCIS. Gibbs told Abby that she would be staying at McGee’s.
While there she decided to play an online FPS while listening to They Fray’s “Over My Head.” Unfortunately Michael found her there while McGee ran to his car to get Abby’s toothbrush, which had fallen out in his car.
Abby ended up staying in the elevator that day. Gibbs walked in and sat with her. Abby showed her what she was holding on to.
“Ziva gave me this.” Abby said, holding up a stun gun. “Cynthia gave me the pepper spray. The knuckles are Director Shepherd's.” she told him, showing him each item as she did so. He tried to make her feel better, thankfully it worked.
Thankfully they were eventually able to get the guy who was after Abby, though if Mawher hadn’t been interfering they would have caught him sooner. It turns out the case that Abby was involved with in the court system was the reason. The man whom was the defendant had hired a hit-man to take Abby out instead of trusting his lawyer.
They were all glad the case was over and that Abby was safe. Hopefully she’d learned her lesson to not keep things like that from Gibbs or at least tell Tony if not Gibbs.
AN: Hope ya’ll liked the chappie. This is the first fic where I’ve done a solo masturbation so I hope it was up to par and not too cheesy or unbelievable.
*Not sure what it’s like in DC but here in PA paying all of that can be expensive. Car Insurance alone can be $100.00 or more to have full coverage on a newer vehicle that you make payments on. Registration is $36.00 and is thankfully only paid once a year, Inspection can range anywhere from $25.00 + for a good one and that’s not including if you live in a county that you have to have an emissions test(I thankfully don’t), Maintenance like oil changes and more can be pretty expensive even if you do it yourself plus you’ve got the four year DL renewal which is something like $26.00 not to mention all of the other hassles of car care. Trying to deal with all of that AND pay rent/mortgage, utilities etc. is not fun hence my decision to have Kelly still living with her father.
**American Witch by Rob Zombie off of his third solo album Educated Horses; 2006. Yes, I am into the same kinds of music Abby is. That and many others; not to mention movies. I’ve had people tell me that I am like a combination between Abby, Tony, Gibbs and McGee depending on the subject. Plus I’ve been head-slapping people long before NCIS was even on.
Chapter Fourteen>