Oct 04, 2009 22:59
Do you remember when you were a kid and after you'd eaten your Ma or whoever would tell you that you couldn't bezz around like a mad thing as you had to allow your dinner to settle down first? That might not have happened to you, but it did to me. It didn't ever make sense to me all of my kid days. It didn't matter to me whether I'd eaten a feast or a feast ice-cream (which is a thing I would never actually do, yuk) playing is playing. Who needs to settle down?
Anyway now I am an old folk I discover that I do now indeed need to let my food settle down! I got in from derby practice tonight about, I don't know, half ten? and showered and ate and now I need to let my body settle before I can go to sleep. So I'm writing in this livejournal. Which I have been meaning to do for a while in any case.
September was a fairly sour month that seems to have passed in a headlong hurtle. I have felt as though I have not had time to finish anything and, well, pretty much felt quite irritable miserable and dis-satisfied the whole month. Oh apart from the many occasions where I felt really happy and contented of course! Sorry - must try not to let the negative crowd out the happy. That thing that Churchill called a 'black dog', and which seems to me more of a great big oily-furred bear, crept into the periphery of my vision the last few weeks and that always casts everything in a dismal aspect when it appears.
But! A good skate or a letter from Dublin or some smiling friends and all's well again.
If I can just get this bloomin' Masters course *finished* so that I can start writing for myself again, and if a work-related thing could just stop *moving*, then yeah life will be easier to not get all in knots over. Eee I suppose there's always something though.
One mystery was solved in September; I found out why a friend wasn't speaking to me. To my immense relief it wasn't anything that I've done but, rather, unfavourable circumstances for now.
A few dear friends have cast off from Hull now which leaves me and the city the poorer for their loss. I hope Lincoln, London and Austria appreciate them.
I have decided that I am only going to fall in love one more time and the next time it will be with a hero. The sort who breaks your heart with his pureness of vision and noble character when you read about him in a book or watch him in a film. The sort that will save the world come the apocalypse. I figure, might as well hold out for a hero. Bonnie Tyler's with me so, you know, I reckon I'm on the right track.
Have I left it long enough for my tum to be at peace? Can I go to sleep now body? The moon is incredibly bright tonight. I can see the rabbit in it. Is this a harvest moon? Should I be listening to Neil Young?
Night night!