Here's the best part of the song, where I admit that I might be wrong

Sep 16, 2008 21:32

I read somewhere that scientists had proven (as scientists are wont seemingly at random to prove strange things and make pronouncements to the press)that Love is not really an emotion. All emotions are apparently visible as brain activity in a certain part of the brain. The scientists had taken scans of volunteers' brains whilst they felt various emotions (how they conducted this experiment was not explained further). Love is not felt in the same part of the brain as all the other emotions (ah the poor outsider). Therefore the scientists felt that it isn't really an emotion in the same way as the other feelings that we experience like sadness or glee.

The scientists, or maybe a different sect of scientists, also found that the part of the brain that is illuminated on love-brain-scans is the part that lights up when folk imbibe crack. The next revelations were naturally that Love is in fact a kind of addiction, which accounts for the jonesing for your loved one if they leave you, according to the Team of Science. It's not a very romantic view. Perhaps one of the science team had recently been dumped?

That all has little or no relevance to my life right now. I couldn't remember what I wanted to write in eljay about, hence the science tangent. Oh wait, it's coming back to me:

Right I don't take any of those illegal drugs that the kids are into. It's not 'a cause of the illegal bit or any morals in particular. One reason, although not THE reason that I don't partake as I don't have one of those, is my body's inherent and congenital bias towards pathetic. I can't even eat much sugar. It makes me sleepy and have mood swings. I always forget that it does this to me, stupidly, and so tend to repent sugar binges instead of avoiding them.

I'm in repentance right now: the temp-job has given me a biscuit habit. I've been guzzling the darn things as a crutch to pass the long long hours. As a result I have extreme weariness, malingering sadness... and a prickly heat rash. Yep. Sugar makes me prone to prickly heat rashes. Absolutely great. It's not even warm in my house. The boiler is broken. The last time I was too hot was at roller derby practice. At the last practice I was ridiculously exhausted and over-heated after each drill. I am tempted to blame the sugar for the unusual extent of exhaustion as well, but I hadn't really eaten properly that day. Arrg. Resolution: no more blooming sugar until this stupid rash goes and I can once again wear clothes that don't cover up my entire body in order to hide it.

Oh, the no more sugar resolution doesn't cover rum. I'm developing a rum habit after the Australian left me with half a bottle from his Cuba trip. Don't worry it's only a small habit, no need to call in social services.

Maybe I'm susceptible to forming such habits? Sugar, rum, certain boys. The Science Team scan of my brain would be incandescent in the love/crack part. Not so bright in other respects. I did mean to put it that way. Regardless, my body isn't enjoying my current sugar tip. Time to leave off the sweet stuff.

job, beastboy, the australian

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