I feel I must interject here

Jul 15, 2008 10:38

I said: I must remember this, being small.
There were such enormous flowers,
Purple and red mouths, utterly lovely.

The hoops of blackberry stems made me cry.
Now they light me up like an electric bulb.
For weeks I can remember nothing at all.
Part of a poem, 1959.

I feel as though I'm changing my mind about a few things that I thought were definites. Or, not so much changing my mind all the way, but looking at them differently. And friends are better than lovers. And more permanent.

I lost really badly at draughts (or is it called checkers?) last night. Three times in a row! We played with pistachios and 2pence pieces as we couldn't find the actual counters. I reckon that playing with pistachios distracted me. I kept wanting to eat them. No, really I am terrible at thinking ahead strategically. It's always been my downfall. Draughts games as a metaphor for my life. I suppose I get better drama, Dawson's Creek style, this way. I kept requesting a game where you can win if you can spell. When has spelling ever made anyone better at life? Sigh. I'm a bit old to suddenly develop life planning skills I think.

At the weekend I went to Birmingham to see Team Awesome (2 thirds) and some bands at the Custard Factory. Amazing. Birmingham wins. I also went to the wedding of two of my friends. They are the sort of friends that I cannot believe my luck that I met. I cried, of course. Some good bits of the wedding (apart from the love bits) were the barn dance - aweeeesommmeee - and the lighting of fire lanterns which we launched into the sky after making wishes on them.

I returned home on Sunday to a house full of friends! And then had my dinner of bean feast and spaghetti made for me! Alice has got to be one of the best housemates of all my time.

Oh! The disability to forward plan my life is fine isn't it?

##EDIT: okay - it should be 'inability', not 'disability', but I still like it the first way I wrote it.##

posi, birmingham, beastboy, team awesome

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